Mice encounters in or around your home are never something that homeowners look forward to. If you see one mouse, chances are that there are more. If your encounter with mice happens inside your home, it’s important that you not only get rid of the mice in your house, but also mice proof your home as well. You may be able to catch a mouse on your own, but mice proofing is much more difficult than one may think. If you are in MN and are interested in professional mice proofing services, our team at Minnesota Wild Animal Management is exactly who you should call.

Mice don’t need much space at all to get inside your home. Thanks to more than 35 years of combined experience providing mice proofing services, our experts at Minnesota Wild Animal Management can quickly find the vulnerable areas in and around your home. Through our intense 17-point inspection throughout your entire house and our experienced eyes, we will make sure that every inch of your home is mice proofed.

Common Mice Proofing Services

Our staff has seen it all when it comes to ways that mice can enter a home. We’ve even seen them get through holes as small as a marble. Some of the common mice proofing services that our team at Minnesota Wild Animal Management performs includes:

● Plug and repair any gaps, cracks or holes in foundation, basement floor, walls, etc.
● Seal any gaps around doors or window frames.
● Caulking of pipes.
● Make sure attics, basements & crawl spaces are dry and ventilated.
● Many more!

Mouse Removal, Prevention  & Clean Up

When it comes to our mice proofing services offered to the MN community, we stand behind our work 100%. To ensure that our clients are confident in choosing Minnesota Wild Animal Management for their mice proofing needs, we are proud to offer a two year warranty on our services. This is one of the best warranties in the industry. You can count on our work to be handled effectively the first time around. In turn, you will not have any encounters with mice anytime soon!

If you have recently seen mice or their droppings in or around your home, it is critical that you invest in mice proofing services. Serving MN with professional and affordable mice proofing services, give Minnesota Wild Animal Management a call today to schedule your detailed mice inspection. Contact our A rated team soon at (763) 785-1414.

The post Mice Proofing Services first appeared on Minnesota Wild Animal Management.

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