“Things to see, people to do” was the motto of the day.

First the dog-walk to appease my guilt that Ted and Pepper would have to be left for a couple of hours in the house.  One day I will take Pepper (never Ted, he has issues) with me.

I took them to Clothie – my five acre croft that is full of grass and flowers now.  It hasn’t been grazed for months, since Iacs, Haakon and Kolka were moved into the big hill-park behind the house.  It is the perfect field for them in the winter months as there is lots of shelter from the old derelict houses and sheds.

It is the cotton-grass’ time to shine now.

This year, the orchids have suffered in the cold weather.  They are almost over now.  It was brief but pretty.


And I am trying to find out if this is marsh bedstraw or heath bedstraw.  I will return tomorrow to have a good look at its’ leaves.  I’ve never seen this plant grow here before so it is a new one to me.

And then, after putting Pepper back into the house after she followed me out, I drove to town to deliver some more sheep.

Again, I was wishing I could’ve taken her with me but then that’s not fair on Ted who would be alone with Monster which is not something I would wish on anyone.

There were two cruise ships/boats in but I managed to miss the swarm of visitors to the shops.

And someone wasn’t talking to me when I got home.

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