What is a Pet Odor Eliminator?

Pet odor eliminators are chemicals that kick out foul odors from pets. You can get rid of foul smells using the best pet odor eliminator. A good pet odor eliminator is capable of removing stains as well. By adding a paper towel or rag to wipe the pet stain remover on any surface, you may be sure of solving your pet’s odor problem and remain with fresh-smelling surroundings.

Product name
ANGRY ORANGE Pet Odor Eliminator for Strong Odor – Citrus Deodorizer for Strong Dog or Cat Pee Smells on Carpet, Furniture & Indoor Outdoor Floors – 24 Fluid Ounces – Puppy Supplies
Rocco & Roxie Extreme Stain & Odor Eliminator for Strong Odor, Pet Urine Enzyme Cleaner Destroyer, Stain Remover for Dog Poop and Cat Pee, Enzymatic Carpet Cleaner Spray For Home, Puppy Potty Training
Rocco & Roxie Litter Box Odor Eliminator, Best Natural Urine Deodorizer for Cat Litter Boxes Cats Smell Control, Odor Absorber, Safe for Kitty, 12 oz

Product name
ANGRY ORANGE Pet Odor Eliminator for Strong Odor – Citrus Deodorizer for Strong Dog or Cat Pee Smells on Carpet, Furniture & Indoor Outdoor Floors – 24 Fluid Ounces – Puppy Supplies
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Product name
Rocco & Roxie Extreme Stain & Odor Eliminator for Strong Odor, Pet Urine Enzyme Cleaner Destroyer, Stain Remover for Dog Poop and Cat Pee, Enzymatic Carpet Cleaner Spray For Home, Puppy Potty Training
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Product name
Rocco & Roxie Litter Box Odor Eliminator, Best Natural Urine Deodorizer for Cat Litter Boxes Cats Smell Control, Odor Absorber, Safe for Kitty, 12 oz
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There are several enzyme cleaner brands on the market. After conducting in-depth research in the offline and online market, we came up with Rocco and Roxie stain and odor eliminator  as the best pet odor eliminator. Read our article and find out The Best Enzyme Cleaners For Cat Urine.

Why Do Pet Odors Smell Bad?

The uncomfortable, stinky smell of a pet odor comes from the metabolization of yeast and bacteria in most cases. Yeast oils play a huge role in bringing out a much worse effect regarding pet odors.

Causes of Lousy Odor in Pets

Unhealthy dogs are more prone to pet odors, unlike healthy dogs. When ill pets scratch themselves on the sick area, they may have the potential to bring out a foul odor. Several areas of a pet’s body may be prone to bringing out foul odors, making you need pet deodorizing sprays. Below are more body areas of a pet that may be prone to nasty odors:




Anal area


Pet Odor From the Ears

Without proper care, yeast may quickly attack a pet’s ears. In most cases, ear infections tend to attack dogs that swim most of the time, dogs that have food allergies, cats that have ear mites, and dogs that have long pendulous ears. Cats that have ear polyps may also get pet odor from the ears.

As the ear infection persists, the odor from the ears continues to smell worse. Any time there is an ear infection on a pet’s ear, debris, cerumen, and pus usually build up inside, giving the ear the lack of capability to clear the disorder naturally.

A pet’s ear may also be unable to fix an infection because of a blockage in the ear canal. The white blood cells capable of fighting the infection lack a path of penetrating the area that the disorder affected.

The blockage of the ear canal from a specific ear infection makes it difficult for medication to work correctly. You may still need patience and time to witness positive changes in the ear while applying the treatment. For the medication to work correctly, you must first conduct proper clearance of the debris in the canal area.

Systemic antibiotics may work well with infections in the inner ear canal. The antibiotic should go directly into the inner canal for you to get positive results. Systemic antibiotics work well since there is proper blood penetration in the inner ear.

The Symptoms of a Pet Ear Infection

The symptoms of dog ear infections may come in different forms in dogs. You may see the same symptoms in some dogs or cats. The ear infection symptoms that you see may help you when it comes to treating the issue.

In worse cases, you may see some pets with significant discomfort. The dogs that show this level of despair from the ear infection may also indicate the signs below:

Frequent scratching of the ear

Shaking of the head

Foul odor from the ear

A dark discharge from the ear



Swelling and redness in the ear canal

Scrabs and crusting in the ears

Causes of Ear Infection in Pets

The L shape of the dog’s ear canal is often prone to holding inside fluids. When fluids get stuck inside the ear canal, there is a high probability of different ear infections. In most cases, yeast and bacteria are the leading causes of ear infections. In a few situations, ear mites may also cause infections, mainly in puppies.

Several factors may also trigger and lead to ear infections. Below are several factors leading to dog ear infections:

Foreign bodies

Too much cleaning

Injuries inside the ear canal

Excessive build-up of wax

Too much moisture creates a favorable environment for bacterial growth together with yeast

Endocrine problems, primarily thyroid disorder

Autoimmune problems

Diagnosis and Treatment of Dog Ear Infections

Immediately, when your dog begins to show one or several signs of ear infection, you should begin making arrangements to seek treatment. Ear infections in dogs may be so painful, and for such a reason, quick treatment means less discomfort for your dog. Looking for treatment on time also means that your dog may not suffer from further spread of infection.

Remember that you should never attempt to treat dog ear infections yourself at home. Treating ear infections at home without a medical practitioner may lead to further ear damage on your dog. Further damage from self-treatment may take the condition up to the middle or inner ear.

Once you visit the veterinarian, you must give clear information about the issue. Providing clear information about the ear infection is essential, especially when dealing with a new veterinarian or if the ear infection occurs for the first time in your dog. The primary things to keep in mind when seeing the veterinarian are the following:

The feeding pattern of your dog and everything that it has been eating

The duration of all the symptoms, such as discharge, swelling, and pain

Information about any medication that your dog is currently taking

All the allergy information and any other medical condition of your dog

The trimming or plucking pattern of hair inside the ear canal

Information about swimming and bathing the dog

Any other information about the history of ear infection and the period it took place

Treatment information about the previous ear infection

The veterinarian may now diagnose the dog concerning the information you gave. On a few occasions, some veterinarians may need to conduct a deep examination inside the ear canal. If the vet practitioner needs to conduct an in-depth examination, you need to allow sedation of your dog.

The sedation move prevents any pain during the examination process. Examination of the dog’s ear may include:

X-rays and biopsy in case the case is severe

Palpation of the ear, which checks out the level of pain in the ear

Swabbing the ear and getting out samples for a further microscopic examination

Visual checks to aid in checking any swelling, redness, or discharge

A special otoscopic examination to evaluate the eardrum and the ear canal

Culturing of samples from the ear

After proper diagnosis of the dog’s ear, treatment begins. The treatment goes ahead as per the complete diagnosis. The veterinarian begins the treatment process by conducting a proper cleaning procedure throughout the ear. A unique medical cleanser ensures the cleaning process is a success.

Anti-inflammatories, together with oral antibiotics, may come in to help in case the case is severe. During the treatment, other ear infection cases may take up to 2 or more weeks to properly recover. If your dog has other underlying health problems, you should not expect a quick recovery from the ear infection even after complete treatment.

Underlying health issues usually reduce the healing rate of the ear. In most cases, you may have to wait up to several months to see your dog’s ear infection recover. If your dog does not recover even after months, your vet may consider performing a surgical procedure inside the ear canal.

The surgical procedure that the vet performs may involve a total ear canal ablation (TECA). These medical procedures involve the removal of the bad tissue. Once the tissue is out of the canal, the infection will no longer spread further to the other parts of the inner ear and thus leading to much quicker healing.

After complete treatment of your dog’s ear, follow every procedure and guideline from your veterinarian. Following your vet’s instructions may save your dog from further ear infections in the future. It is also essential to complete the entire course of your dog’s treatment. Recurrent dog ear infections result from a lack of course completion.

Make sure you get back to your vet for checkups and other appointments. Following your vet’s medical guidelines saves you a lot of future trouble. After fully recovering your dog’s ear, it is crucial to prevent the ear infection from returning more frequently.

Preventing Dog Ear Infections

Prevention is the best way of overcoming ear infections, just the same way as other diseases. The leading cause of dog ear infections is too much moisture. Thorough cleaning of the ear from the outer surface through the ear canal removes excess moisture.

You may as well prevent ear infections by monitoring any underlying conditions. Some dogs have other underlying conditions, such as allergies. Monitoring and treating allergies may assure you of a less moist ear canal. Treating underlying conditions in your dog also prevents your dog from going through recurrent ear infections.

Cleaning the ear canal of your dog also helps when it comes to preventing infections. When cleaning the ear canal, ensure you fill inside the cleaning solution. Massage the canal from the exterior section. After massaging the ear properly, you may now wipe out the inner sections using a good absorbent gaze.

Remember not to use cotton or paper towels when cleaning the ear canal. Such materials may be harmful since they may leave behind some fiber debris. The debris from the fiber may cause irritations inside the ear and lead to other issues.

When cleaning the outer section of the ear, you may be free to use paper towels or cotton. The outer section is not prone to attracting debris from these two cleaning materials since the debris naturally falls off.

Infections of the ear in dogs are a common problem. In most cases, the infections may come back more often, but with help from your veterinarian, it may be easy to manage the situation.

Pet Odor From the Mouth

Another common source of pet odor is the mouth. In almost all pets, pet odor from the mouth comes from bacteria build-up, making you need the best pet odor eliminator for room. The bacteria attacks the junction of the gums and teeth, thus feeling most of the vital sections of the mouth.

As the bacteria builds up inside the mouth, the gingival spaces begin to enlarge. An increase in the size of the gingival space means that there is more room for trapping food particles. Once these particles are inside, they gradually decompose, resulting in bad breath.

Some pets are not that strong, and for such a reason, they lack the strength to swallow all the food. The remaining food on the cheeks may also get stuck, leading to bad breaths with time. The bad breath results from the remaining food on the cheeks rotting with time.

In a few cases, some pets may also eat harmful substances like feces, garlic, or onions. Such substances can lead to a foul odor in the mouth as they rot. Odors from other body parts may also combine with the natural odors from the mouth and lead to a foul smell.

In most cases, pets with other underlying issues, such as ulcers, may be prone to giving out a foul odor from the mouth, giving you the need to use a good spray for dog smell. The stomach ulcer in your pet can lead to bleeding inside the stomach.

The blood coming out as a result of the ulcer digests with any food ingested and leads to a bad smell. The foul smell rises and comes out of the mouth.

Other oral disorders may also play a significant role in pet odor from the mouth. Oral problems that lead to a bad odor in the mouth may range from gum disease to tooth decay. Bacteria builds up from food leading to cavities and decaying if regular oral cleaning does not occur.

Bad breath from your pet from oral issues needs treatment as soon as possible. If you do not get to check the problem as soon as you can, the issue may worsen, leading to a more vital lousy breath.

Treating Bad Breaths in Pets

A large number of bad breaths coming from pets is a result of various underlying conditions. Treating the underlying issue may assure you of not only a healthy pet but also bad breath free. To get quick and best results, any time you notice your pet giving out a bad breath, take them to the vet as soon as possible.

Your vet arranges the treatment plan concerning the diagnosis. The final treatment after diagnosis may include therapies, medical prescriptions, and special diets. In some cases, the vet may conduct surgery on your pet.

The surgery only occurs if the health problem has gone from mild to vital. The vet usually assesses the pet’s condition and advises you on the best move to take to solve the condition.

Preventing Stinky Breaths From Pets

Treatment of your pet when it has lousy order is possible, but you may save yourself from all the trouble if you learn various prevention methods in the first place. Below are the main ways of preventing your pets from having annoying stinky breath:

Make sure that your pet always gets the proper oral hygiene at least every day

Be sure that your pet is getting all the routine hygiene medical care

Make sure that you always perform annual medical checkups

Begin brushing your pet’s teeth while still at a young age so that they get familiar with the process as time passes by

Make sure to use oral cleaning products that your vet recommends at all times to prevent other infections

Avoid feeding your pet some foods and houseplants to prevent any organ failure in the future

Pet Odor From the Skin

Once your pet has healthy skin, it will generally have no odor. Foul odor from the skin usually comes from pores that have clogged and thick layers of oil. These elements rank high when it comes to bad odor. Bacteria and yeast also come as a result of these negative matters.

After every three weeks, the normal skin of various pets needs to generate new skin cells. In other cases, abnormal skin may divide more slowly than usual or more rapidly than it should. Every time the skin divides quicker than usual, there is a chance of thick crusting or flaking, trapping bacteria and oils.

With all these activities taking place on the skin, it is vital to ensure that the health around here is entirely perfect. If the environment around the skin of a pet is poor, you may experience a bad odor due to the build-up of dirt from all the activities.

If the skin health of a pet goes untreated for a long while, it may result in a worse odor and a risk of other major health problems.

Pet Odor From the Anal Area

The anal section of your pet may also be prone to generating a bad odor. The odor comes out from everywhere around the area under the tail. The leading cause of foul odor from the anal section of a pet comes as a result of the combination of fecal matter and yeast and bacteria.

Other pets which have long hair may have a form of rare malodorous ends. Feces mats pile up and lead to the malodorous nature of the rare coat sections of a pet. Fetid stool from a pet with diarrhea may also lead to unpleasant odors in the anal area. In most cases, the odor comes from smelly diarrhea.

Other conditions resulting in foul odors from the anal area may include food allergies and maldigestion issues. Foul odor from the anal section may add up as the number of health issues in a pet’s anal increases.

Pet Odor From the Vulva

The vulva and the whole area around this section are also spots prone to foul odor in pets. Most female pets, such as dogs, usually have a vaginal discharge for at least seven or ten days. The discharge has a strong odor that may be uncomfortable to anyone nearby.

After delivery, if the placenta doesn’t come out, it may result in other medical issues that lead to fetid odor from the vulva. The odor may tend to increase when the pet falls asleep. Other fat pets may have foldable skin around the vulva area, leading to a foul odor. The lousy odor results from bacteria, yeast, and moisture congregating.

How We Picked Our Favorites

Selecting the best pet odor eliminator for room and outdoors took place concerning several aspects. The main elements include the flexibility of the product, together with environmental friendliness. Picking our favorite pet odor eliminators also included checking products with the best user reviews from various users.

Types of Pet Odor Busters

Various types of pet odor busters assist in keeping the environment clean and friendly from foul odors from pets. The best outdoor pet odor eliminator and the indoor variation may be in the following forms:

Gel and form cleaners

Spot cleaners

Deodorizing wipes and sprays

Machine cleaners

Candle and fresheners

Different brands of odor busters come with different features that help get the job done.

Let’s go further:

An Overview of Our Top Pet Odor Eliminator Picks

Rocco and Roxie stain and odor eliminator  – Best for strong odor for cat and dog pee on carpets.

Angry orange pet odor eliminator for strong odor  – Best for dog and cat urine smells on surfaces.

Zero Odor-pet odor eliminator  – Best for permanent pet odor removal from surfaces and air.

Nature’s Miracle P-5452 3 in 1 odor eliminator  – Best for pet odor removal from linen.

NaturVet-Yard odor eliminator  – Best for pet odors on grass and plants.

Rocco and Roxie cat litter box odor eliminator  – Best for pet urine odors.

Arm and hammer pet fresh carpet odor eliminator  – Best for pet odor removal from carpets and other surfaces.

Arm and hammer for pets and scents solid gel deodorizer  – Best for pet smells in the air and surfaces.

Nature’s miracle advanced stain and odor eliminator  – Best for removing pet stains and odors from surfaces.

Your Pet Smell Eliminator Shopping Guide

Before purchasing the best pet odor eliminator candle or another brand in another form, you need to make several considerations. Below are the main considerations to look at before buying a pet odor eliminator:


The ingredients used in making pet odor eliminators matter a lot since they determine the nature and performance of the final product. Make sure you check the ingredients to get what you require.

Safety Testing

Make sure the product you get does not negatively affect anything around you. Some odor eliminators may contain harmful substances that may pose a risk to your pets or the people around them.


The best pet odor eliminator should not harm the environment nearby. The air and plants should remain in good condition even after using a pet odor eliminator.

Ease of Use

Some pet odor eliminators may be challenging to apply in various places when it comes to using. Make sure that the product you choose does not take much of your time to figure out how to use it.


Positive reviews regarding a product mean that you have an easy time using it since you’ll be sure of the results. You need to select pet odor eliminators with the best reviews so you don’t waste money on the wrong products.


Choose a product that goes well with your budget and the result you need to achieve. The price of the best pet odor eliminator matters with the elements inside it and its functions.


Some pet odor busters may have specific smells, while others don’t. Some people may be allergic to some fragrances, so you may consider a product with no fragrance. You may also choose a product with the fragrance of your choice.


Warranties are vital when a negative result comes when using the product. The project needs to attain certain results by a specific time per the warranty. If positive results don’t become visible, the seller may compensate you. A good pet odor eliminator needs to have a warranty so that you may avoid some losses when using the product.

Reviewing the Best Pet Odor Eliminators on the Market

Angry orange pet odor eliminator for strong odor  (Best for Cat and Dog Urine on Surfaces)


This urine cleaner comes with a touch of citrus scent from fresh orange peels. The unique scent combines with other essential elements to give out the perfect carpet deodorizer. This pet odor works well in removing odors from tiles and many other surfaces.

Brand: Angry Orange

Recommended room usage: Dogs’ and cats’ urine on surfaces

Item form: Liquid

Scents: Citrus

Single or multiple applications required: Single

Product dimensions: 7.28 by 3.15 by 3.11 inches (18.4 by 8 by 7.8 Centimeters) 

Weight: 1.61 pounds (0.7 Kilograms)

Product Highlights

The product is from the USA.

This product works well outdoors.

Things to Consider Before Buying

The product is available as a pet odor and stain eliminator.

Avoid it if you are allergic to strong smells.


This pet odor eliminator is quite powerful.

The product is convenient for the best results.

The pet odor eliminator has a pleasant scent.


This pet odor buster is not safe for allergic people.

Rocco and Roxie stain and odor eliminator  (Best for Solid Pet Odor on Carpets)


The Rocco and Roxie Stain and Odor Eliminator proves effective and safe to use, thanks to chlorine absence. You may feel free to use this pet product around your pets or kids since it is hazard-free. This product removes pet odor as well as any residue around the surface.

Brand: Rocco and Roxie

Item form: Liquid

Single/multiple application: Single

Product dimensions: 5 by 2 by 10 inches (12.7 by 5.08 by 25.4 Centimeters)

Weight: 2 pounds (0.9 Kilograms)

Product Highlights

The product has a favorable price.

This item is chlorine free.

The enzymes in this product break down the odor.

Things to Consider Before Buying

The smell of this product is a lot strong.

When using this product, perform an overnight treatment for older stains.


The product has different certifications.

This pet odor eliminator can remove stains as well.


This odor buster has a strong smell.

Zero Odor-pet odor eliminator  (Best for Pet Odor on Carpets and Other Surfaces)


This odor buster permanently kicks out bad smells from pets as well as maintains the nature of the surfaces. With a lack of fragrances and different perfumes, this pet odor eliminator does not cover up the foul odor, but it eliminates it.

Brand: Zero Odor Store

Item form: Liquid

Single/multiple application: Both

Product dimensions: 11 by 1.75 by 4 inches, (27 by 4 by 10 Centimeters)

Weight: 1.1 pounds (0.4 Kilograms)

Product Highlights

The product includes a form of molecular technology.

Things to Consider Before Buying

The product does not have an additional solid scent, so don’t expect any other fragrances.


This pet odor eliminator is non-toxic, proving to be safer for everyone and every plant around.

You may spray it on the air as well.


This product does not include additional fragrances.

Nature’s Miracle P-5452 3 in 1 odor eliminator  (Best for Pet Odor Removal in Linen)


This product permanently removes pet odor from objects such as fabric in most cases. Any hard surface with a pet odor is also not left behind. Nature’s Miracle pet buster assures every user of an odorless surface no matter how difficult it may seem.

Brand: Nature’s Miracle

Item form: Liquid

Scent: Linen

Single/multiple application: Both

Product dimension: 2 by 3.75 by 10.5 inches, (5 by 9 by 25.4 Centimeters),

Weight: 1.7 pounds (0.77 Kilograms)

Product Highlights

There is a money-back guarantee.

The odor fades as the product dries.

Things to Consider Before Buying

The pet odor eliminator is available in different variations for different pets.


The product is eco-friendly and safe for kids and pets.

NaturVet-Yard odor eliminator  (Best for Pet Odor in Grass and Plants)


This pet odor eliminator works well on several surfaces. It may work on outdoor surfaces and indoor areas in the same way. A single spray on the surface assures the user of a clean and odorless surface. This product eliminates odor from grass and plants within a concise period.

Brand: NaturVet

Item form: Liquid

Single/multiple application: Both

Product dimensions: 14 by 14 by 12 inches; (35 by 35 by 30 Centimeters), 

Weight: 2.43 pounds (1 Kilogram)

Product Highlights

The product is multi-purpose

The pet odor buster is suitable for lawns

Things to Consider Before Buying

Consider buying more than one park if your lawn is large.


You may use the pet odor eliminator indoors and outdoors.

The product is eco-friendly.


This product has fragrances and may be bad for allergies, pets, and people.

Rocco and Roxie cat litter box odor eliminator  (Best for Urine Odor From Pets)

Amazon’s choice award for best in cat odor eliminator by Rocco and Roxie


This enzyme cleaner for cat urine is so effective that it absorbs even the most pungent smells. The positive results come thanks to the available essential oils in it. These oils can neutralize the pet odor even at a molecular level.

Brand: Rocco and Roxie

Item form: Liquid

Scent: Fresh

Single or multiple application: Single

Product dimensions: 4 by 4 by 9 inches; (10 by 10 by 22 Centimeters)

Weight: 14.08 ounces (396 grams)

Product Highlights

The product is non-toxic

This pet odor eliminator mixes well

Things to Consider Before Buying

Consider buying more than one package if you have more pets.


The product is eco-friendly

This pet odor eliminator is safe for all pets, and everyone around

Arm and hammer pet fresh carpet odor eliminator  (Best for Pet Odor Removal from Carpets)


This pet odor eliminator gets rid of all the foul odors around your home quickly. The results come due to its fresh scents and fragrance when using it. Debris and pet particles can be off your carpet and furniture with a single application.

Brand: Arm and Hammer

Item form: Powder

Scent: Fresh

Single/multiple application: Both

Product dimensions: 1 by 1 by 1 inch; (2.5 by 2.5 by 2.5 Centimeters),

Weight: 3.59 pounds (1.5 Kilograms)

Product Highlights

The pet odor eliminator is clean

The product works well for debris and dirt

Things to Consider Before Buying

This product is in powder form, so you should carefully read on the package how to use it before using it.


The pet odor eliminator contains fresh scents

This product leaves behind a lasting freshness


It is good for only indoors

Arm and hammer for pets and scents solid gel deodorizer  (Best for Removing Pet Odor on Surfaces and Air)

Amazon’s choice award for room deodorizer for pets


This pet odor eliminator contains features that contain pet smells around your home within the shortest period. Being a gel, this product may also work as an air freshener whenever it is in use. The gel nature also makes the product simple to use.

Brand: Arm and Hammer

Item form: Gel

Scent: Fresh

Single/multiple application: Single

Product dimensions: 3.6 by 3.6 by 3.8 inches; (9 by 9 by 9.6 Centimeters);

Weight: 1 pound (0.4 Kilograms)

Product Highlights

This pet odor eliminator is quick to apply since it is in gel

This product has a baking soda-enhanced formula

Things to Consider Before Buying

If your indoor area is large, consider buying several packages.


This odor eliminator leaves behind a long-lasting freshness

This product is safe for pets

Nature’s miracle advanced stain and odor eliminator  (Best for Pet Odor on Air and Surfaces)


Nature’s Miracle pet odor eliminator works well regarding heavy pet messes on surfaces. The ability to deal with tough pet messes brings back that fresh smell, thus proving super effective. The light, fresh scent of this product aids in retaining that lovely fragrance after cleaning.

Brand: Nature’s Miracle

Item form: Liquid

Scent: Fresh

Single/multiple application: Both

Product dimensions: 9.4 by 5.75 by 12.38 inches; (1 by 14 by 30 Centimeters);

Weight: 0.35 ounces (0.02 grams)

Product Highlights

The product comes in package sizes

This pet odor eliminator contains different fragrances.

Things to Consider Before Buying

This product contains fragrances, so be on the lookout if you are allergic.

Buy the quantity you need concerning the size of your home.


This product is eco-friendly

You may use this pet odor eliminator for nasty messes on surfaces for all pets

This pet odor eliminator works well in restoring the scent in the air.


The presence of other fragrances may be harmful to allergic people.

FAQs on Pet Odor Eliminators

How do pet odor eliminators work? – An enzymatic reaction breaks down the odor without destroying the surface.

How do you remove pet urine odor from a carpet? – Apply the pet odor eliminator to the carpet and rub it around.

Do air purifiers remove pet odor? – Air purifiers do not remove pet odors unless it’s a specific one with that particular function.

Will professional carpet cleaning remove pet odor? – In some cases, professional cleaning may kick out the odor, but only if they use pet odor eliminators in their cleaning materials.

The Bottom Line

Several pet odor eliminators come in to aid in restoring the natural smell of your surroundings. Using the best pet odor eliminator in the proper area assures you of a fresh-smelling environment all through.

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