Monster loves his dear old Mum, he tells me, but he has an addiction…..

He also loves Cat TV – you can find it on YouTube.

Every morning, while I have my breakfast, Monster likes to watch the telly.

And, for the sake of peace, I put it on for him on my iPad which I feel is safer than the tv – which he could easily knock over looking for the mice.

And I have an addiction (I am not proud) too – Grey’s Anatomy in the afternoon while I hand-felt my sheep.

– which Monster is not helpful about.  Poor Karev. He didn’t deserve that.

Monster likes to come into my shed in the afternoon and he gets in the way, trying to find a space on my table.

Note the cup of tea.

I could cope with the tail in the saucer….

But I was annoyed at the mess he left behind when the tea was knocked over.

He had to be evicted.  So off he sulked.  He came back twice afterwards to whine outside the door and then got in the way all over again.





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