During the dogwalk, as I had a good phone signal (rare here), I phoned the vet and booked Pepper in for a consultation as every time I looked at her, she was still hopping more.  We go tomorrow morning – me, my guilt and my dog.

On the walk, Monster came too to do a spot of prowling.

I spent my time trying to take photos of him being a White Panther in the tall grass.  White Panther Cat is his official veterinary name.

(and no, he hadn’t stopped to have a pee. This is not his pee face)

When we reached the old derelict croft house and school house, which is at the end, I knew what was going to happen next.  There is a small window and Monster was determined to get through.

And this is possibly the first time I have ever seen him dirty and defeated.

When I heard the miserable wailing of utter dispair, I went round to the front door of the house and called Monster down from his ledge.

Can anyone see a cat?

And as Pepper is lame, I didn’t want a long walk, so I turned for home, calling Monster too.

As Daisy would say, “look at him go!”

Home over the scattald (open hill)…..

And Monster took to his bed to recover from the trauma of being a White Panther Cat. It’s hard work being an icon.

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