It seems a bit all or nothing with the weather these days and last night was no exception with torrential rain.  I knew this was going to happen, as I watched the ten weather apps on my phone like a hawk, so rugs on Fivla, Vitamoobag and Tiddles and I had a worry-free night.

So imagine my consternation when I met Waffle this morning shivering.  I refuse to rug him on the grounds that he looks like a bull, but I felt sufficiently guilty to quietly give him the spare food bowl.  Haynets out and he soon stopped dithering.

This afternoon, I went out with some leftover celery stalks.  The rain had made the burn impossible to cross.

The ponies knew I had celery stalks, but how to make sure everyone got their fair share?

So I chucked the veg over the stream trying to aim for each individual pony so they would have their fair share.

Everyone, that is, except for Fivla who was at the back looking hard done by.

But I called her over, and she knew that I had a celery stalk with her name on it.

Tiddles was trying hard to get them all.  We had words, across the flooding stream.

And he knew there was nothing I could do even if he got everyone’s celery stick because I was not going to cross the burn.

And Fivla got her ration and crunched on with absolutely not intention of giving it up.

Even if the vultures circled.

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