What would you do if a helpless dog were stranded in a 3-meter-deep sinkhole? Few humans have the bravery or skills to attempt such a rescue, but that’s exactly what an officer in the Roma neighborhood of Mexico City did.

That’s why PETA Latino is fast-tracking a Compassionate Action Award to him! He will receive an award letter and a framed certificate thanking him for his help.

How an Officer Saved the Day

On July 15, members of Roma’s local police station discovered the sinkhole and dispatched staff to secure the site. According to Milenio, the station’s staff only discovered the trapped dog upon arriving at the scene, and they immediately called for backup.

Shortly afterward, Luis Alberto Alonso Ortiz, the subdirector of Roma’s police station, began the rescue operation.

Efectivos de la #SSC coadyuvaron para rescatar a un perrito que cayó a una zanja en @AlcCuauhtemocMx. https://t.co/FYiUyqIylP pic.twitter.com/c24xSYxduu

— SSC CDMX (@SSC_CDMX) July 15, 2024

After one failed rescue attempt, heextracted the terrified dog from the pit by using ropes and a ladder. The dog is now recovering from the traumatic experience, thanks to the speed and skill of the response effort.

“This dog was in a precarious situation that could easily have turned deadly if it weren’t for the resourcefulness and care of Luis Alberto Alonso Ortiz, subdirector of Roma’s police station. PETA Latino hopes this story inspires people to always speak up for animals in trouble, as just one phone call could save someone’s life.”

—Alicia Aguayo, Senior Manager, PETA Latino

You Can Save Dogs’ Lives—No Ladder Needed

If you’re a dog guardian, be sure to keep them near you on walks. Use a leash and a comfortable, secure harness when they’re not securely enclosed in a familiar area—and keep a close eye on them when they’re outdoors.

The post PETA Latino Awards First Responder for Saving a Dog From Massive Sinkhole appeared first on PETA.

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