Last night, while I was making my evening sheep, Lambie came a-knocking.
He was in a bit of a state so I told him to come in…..
….. And we could even talk about things if he wanted but I don’t think he was listening because the doorstep appeared to be a problem.
But, luckily, Lambie successfully defeated the doorstep demons and came in, along with a faint waft of pee.
Anyway, we had a long chat, well, I did most of the talking and he listened while we watched Private Practice together (I’ve moved on from sobbing my way through Grey’s Anatomy – too much death).
I also scratched his back for him with my back-scratcher (a long large fork from an old carving set). Lambie was much happier. I think he was just itchy, hot and being bothered by the flies (possibly attracted by the slight smell of pee about his person).
I know he will be happier once he’s sheared (hopefully looking at the end of the week) and I can also put his fly-collar on which will help.