The world was extremely overwhelming for a puppy named Bale. When Bale first came into his humans’ lives, it was during a visit to the shelter, where they learned he had been left in the desert. The first days with Bale were pretty calm until he was old enough to interact with the world. His parents then realized he had an intense reaction to nearly everything that crossed his path. He was frightened of people and startled by other dogs, noises, and even non-moving objects. Anything unfamiliar terrified him. They sought the assistance of a trainer, who identified his fear reactivity as a result of insufficient socialization.


To help him overcome his fear and reactivity towards new people, they decided to train him with a muzzle. They started introducing him to people when other dogs were around. They found out that he was at ease with people if there was a dog present. This discovery was a game-changer. With another dog nearby, Bale felt safe, and they no longer needed to use the muzzle. He made substantial progress and now has about 40 friends.


This year, they are relocating to a different country, leaving behind the community they have built. They organized a farewell party for Bale so he could say goodbye to all his friends, both human and canine. It was incredible to have friends who would do anything to support them.


What kept his humans motivated was creating an Instagram account for Bale. Messages from others who were experiencing similar challenges made them realize they were not alone. Observing others make progress with their dogs encouraged them to continue. Reflecting on past posts of Bale, they are astonished by the dog’s progress. When no one in your immediate life understands your struggles, it is reassuring to have strangers online validate your experiences.

Thank you to The Dodo for sharing Bale’s story. Click the video below to meet the adorable pup and experience his radical transformation. We are so grateful to Bale’s parents, who never gave up on him.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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