PETA has obtained video footage showing beagles crammed in barren cages covered in feces and debris inside a Marshall BioResources facilitya multinational factory farm that breeds and sells dogs, cats, ferrets, and others to laboratories for use in deadly experiments.  

The footage was captured by The Camp Beagle at Marshall’s U.K. facility and provides a rare glimpse into the ramshackle living conditions of the thousands of dogs warehoused there.

Beagles, who are normally docile, pace back and forth and jump around, stressed from living around the clock in a metal enclosure. Their collective cries ricochet through the cellblock as they plead and call out for any shred of solace.

After living in filth for their entire young lives, the dogs are tossed into a truck like luggage and hauled off to laboratories where they’re abused and killed in gruesome experiments.

Business as Usual

Despite raking in millions each year, Marshall has a long, feces-stained history of storing sensitive animals in shabby conditions and pocketing the profit.

Whistleblower photographs recently shared with PETA from inside Marshall’s New York facility show ferrets locked inside dingy wire cages caked in feces, while beagles and their puppies sat in barren cages with metal mesh floors above soiled concrete.

The whistleblower also alleged that cages were only cleaned every two weeks, feeders were moldy, and puppies were commonly found dead in their enclosures with large quantities of blood. The whistleblower said that staff also handled dogs roughly, injuring their jaws, and confined incompatible dogs to a single cage, causing stress-induced fights.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has repeatedly cited Marshall for violating federal animal welfare laws by keeping animals in decrepit cages and failing to provide veterinary care. Its facilities have been plagued by massive disease outbreaks, including canine distemper and bacterial infections.

What You Can Do

Please TAKE ACTION and urge the USDA to revoke Marshall’s license as well as the licenses of similar facilities:

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