A heartwarming and inspiring story has emerged from southern Spain, highlighting the remarkable resilience and unwavering maternal love of a greyhound named Vera. Abandoned by her previous owner and left to fend for herself, Vera’s dedication to her puppies showcases the incredible lengths a mother will go to protect her offspring. Despite suffering from a severely broken leg, this brave greyhound walked two miles to ensure the safety and well-being of her newborn puppies, ultimately leading veterinarians to their location and saving their lives in an extraordinary display of determination and love.

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Vera, a beautiful greyhound, was cruelly abandoned by her previous owner. Emaciated and injured, she wandered aimlessly around a bustling market in southern Spain. Her front leg was visibly broken, the bone snapped clean through, making each step agonizingly painful. Despite her dire condition, Vera’s maternal instincts drove her to find food and safety for her newborn puppies.

Amidst the market’s chaos, a compassionate woman named Lianne Powell noticed the struggling greyhound. Moved by Vera’s plight, Lianne knew she had to act quickly. She gently approached Vera, earning her trust, and immediately took her to a nearby veterinarian’s office, hoping to get the medical attention Vera desperately needed.

Upon arriving at the veterinarian’s office, Dr. Ellen Sobry took over Vera’s care. Ellen quickly assessed Vera’s condition and was alarmed by the severity of her injury. Despite the pain, Vera remained remarkably calm, as if she understood that these strangers were there to help her. As Ellen examined Vera further, she noticed that the greyhound was producing milk, a clear indication that she had recently given birth.

Realizing that there were likely puppies in need of urgent care, Ellen and Lianne decided to see if Vera could lead them to her litter. After putting a cast on Vera’s broken leg, Ellen gently placed a leash on her and guided her outside. To their amazement, Vera immediately started walking with a clear sense of purpose.

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Ellen and Lianne followed Vera, who limped determinedly along the streets. Initially, they were worried that Vera might be trying to find her way back to her former home. Nevertheless, they decided to trust Vera’s instincts, hoping against hope that she would lead them to her puppies.

“Clearly, we had a decision to make,” Lianne told The Daily Mail. “If there were pups, they would slowly starve to death unless we found them. We would need the greyhound’s help, but we didn’t know if she would trust us enough to take us there.”

The journey was not easy. Vera, despite her broken leg, led them through backstreets, along busy main roads, and across muddy side streets. The two women were amazed by Vera’s resilience and determination. Every painful step she took was driven by her need to save her puppies.

After nearly two miles of limping through various terrains, Vera led Ellen and Lianne to a thick hedge near an abandoned house. Hidden underneath the hedge was an old, broken-down car. As they approached the car, they heard faint whimpers. When they looked inside the backseat, they found 10 tiny puppies, huddled together and napping peacefully.

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All of the puppies were remarkably healthy, their little tails wagging with excitement as they saw their mother. Vera’s eyes lit up with relief and joy as she nuzzled each of her puppies, reassuring them with her presence. The sight brought tears to Ellen and Lianne’s eyes, who were overjoyed at the successful reunion.

“She led us to them, it was incredible – I couldn’t believe what I saw,” Ellen told The Daily Mail. “That dog didn’t know us, we’d only met her like an hour before, so it was really incredible how she decided to trust and show us where they were.”

Vera and her puppies were taken back to Ellen’s clinic, Clinivet Turre. Under Ellen’s expert care, Vera’s leg was properly treated, and she was given the nourishment she desperately needed. The puppies, too, received thorough check-ups and were found to be in good health. They were finally safe, warm, and well-fed.

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Missouri is already referred to as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from the cruelty of puppy mills.


Ellen, determined to give Vera and her puppies the best possible future, partnered with Ibiza Hound Rescue. Together, they worked tirelessly to find loving forever homes for Vera and her 10 puppies. Thanks to their efforts, each puppy was adopted by a caring family, and Vera herself found a home where she could live the rest of her days in comfort and love.

Thanks to their amazing mother, these puppies have a great life ahead of them! We’re so glad Vera and all her puppies are doing well, and it’s amazing to see the lengths this mom dog went to keep her babies safe. What a great mama!

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