Ace, a remarkable senior dog, is 19 years old, a significant age for any canine. While this age might not seem much for humans, for dogs, 19 years is a testament to a long and storied life. Ace’s journey took a dramatic turn when he was surrendered to a shelter. Just as he was adjusting to this upheaval, wildfires erupted, forcing the shelter to relocate 150 miles away from his original home. Ace’s life had become a series of challenging events, but his resilient spirit shone through it all.

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Despite these challenges, Ace’s spirit remained unbroken. The day after Ace arrived at the shelter, Bonnie, a compassionate animal lover, decided to visit. Upon seeing Ace for the first time, she was struck by his appearance. His fur was graying, one of his eyes had turned glassy, and his teeth were failing. It was clear that Ace’s body was showing the signs of his advanced age, and it seemed like he might not have much time left.

However, when Bonnie took Ace for a walk, she witnessed something extraordinary. Ace, despite his age and physical condition, moved with the enthusiasm and curiosity of a much younger dog. He pranced alongside Bonnie, stopping frequently to sniff and explore his surroundings. His zest for life was palpable, and it was evident that Ace still had a lot of joy to offer, even if he couldn’t see very well.

Bonnie was deeply moved by Ace’s spirit. She felt an immediate connection and knew she couldn’t leave him in the shelter. Her heart ached at the thought of Ace spending his twilight years in such a place. Determined to provide him with a comfortable and loving environment, Bonnie decided to foster Ace.

Bringing Ace home was a significant moment for Bonnie. She wanted to make his transition as smooth as possible. She showed him around her home, guiding him to his new bed, his water bowl, and his feeding station. Her own dogs were curious about the new arrival, approaching Ace with caution and respect.

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Initially, Ace seemed aloof and detached. “When I first brought Ace home, he was very aloof,” Bonnie recalled in an interview with The Dodo. “He didn’t seek attention and didn’t seem to care if I petted him or not.” Bonnie understood that Ace had been through a lot and needed time to adjust to his new surroundings and build trust.

Over the following months, a beautiful transformation took place. Ace gradually became more comfortable and began to integrate into Bonnie’s household. He started interacting with her other dogs, showing a playful side that Bonnie hadn’t seen before. He even engaged in tug-of-war games with Rula, one of Bonnie’s larger dogs. During their daily walks, Ace often took the lead, his energy and enthusiasm belying his age.

Bonnie was delighted to see Ace thriving, but she knew that fostering was meant to be temporary. The goal was always to find Ace a permanent home where he could spend the rest of his days. This thought was bittersweet for Bonnie, as she had grown deeply attached to Ace. However, just as Ace was about to be adopted, he needed a dental procedure, delaying the process.

During this extended time together, Ace began to show Bonnie a different side of himself. He started seeking her out for attention, nuzzling her lap and showing affection. These moments touched Bonnie deeply. “When he first came up and put his head on my lap and started nuzzling me, it tugged at my heart,” Bonnie shared with The Dodo. “That’s when I decided I was going to adopt him.”

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Sign Petition Today: No more puppy mills!

Missouri is already referred to as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from the cruelty of puppy mills.


For Bonnie, the decision to adopt Ace felt natural and right. He had already become an integral part of her family, and making it official was just a formality. Ace, once a dog facing an uncertain future in a shelter, had found a forever home filled with love and care.

Ace’s story is a testament to the resilience and enduring spirit of senior dogs. Despite his advanced age and the hardships he faced, Ace never lost his zest for life. With Bonnie’s love and care, he now has a place where he can live out his days surrounded by warmth and affection. Ace’s journey from the shelter to his forever home is a beautiful reminder that every dog, regardless of age, deserves a chance to be loved and cherished.

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