In an emotional and heartwarming turn of events, Rebecca Bien, a resident of Franklin, Kentucky, experienced an incredible reunion with her beloved dog, Emmy Lou, after more than two years of separation. This touching moment, which was the result of the relentless efforts of a dedicated Facebook group, took place at the Louisville Metro Animal Shelter in Kentucky. The emotional reunion was captured on video, showcasing the powerful bond between Rebecca and Emmy Lou, and highlighting the remarkable journey that led to this joyful and tear-filled moment.

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The video begins with Rebecca, a 27-year-old woman, walking down the shelter’s corridor, guided by a compassionate staff member. As she walks, her anticipation and excitement are palpable. Behind the camera, a supportive friend asks, “Hey Rebecca, who are you going to get?” With a bright smile and a sparkle in her eyes, Rebecca responds eagerly, “Emmy.”

As they approach the cage, Rebecca extends her hand to allow Emmy Lou to sniff her, a familiar scent that instantly brings back memories for the dog. Emmy Lou, a five-year-old Heeler-Collie mix, begins to wag her tail furiously, recognizing her long-lost owner. Overcome with emotion at the sight of her beloved pet, Rebecca’s eyes well up with tears.

The staff member opens the cage, and Emmy Lou, in a burst of excitement, leaps out and rushes into Rebecca’s arms, showering her with affectionate licks. Rebecca, overwhelmed with joy, kneels down to embrace her dog, whispering, “You want to go home? I love you.” The video concludes with a heartwarming scene of Rebecca scratching and hugging Emmy Lou, who stands on her hind legs, reciprocating the affection with boundless enthusiasm.

Emmy Lou had gone missing in September 2017 during a severe storm in the Louisville area. Rebecca, along with her friends and family, had spent countless days searching for her lost dog. They issued flyers, posted advertisements on Craigslist, and scoured the neighborhood, but their efforts seemed in vain. Despite the passage of time, Rebecca never lost hope.

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Refusing to give up, Rebecca took to social media, creating a Facebook page titled ‘Help Find Emmy Lou Harris (The Dog)’. The page quickly gained traction, amassing around 1,000 members who were touched by Rebecca’s plight and eager to help. The most active members of the group, affectionately known as ‘Emmy’s Angels’, would regularly meet up and search for Emmy across the area, some driving and some walking, tirelessly covering as much ground as possible.

The breakthrough came around Christmas time when one of Emmy’s Angels reported a sighting of a dog that matched Emmy Lou’s description. This glimmer of hope led Rebecca to check the local animal shelter listings more diligently. It was during this check that she came across a listing that seemed too good to be true—a dog that matched Emmy Lou’s description almost perfectly.

With renewed hope and a pounding heart, Rebecca contacted the shelter and arranged to visit. The journey to the Louisville Metro Animal Shelter was filled with a mix of anxiety and excitement. Upon arrival, the moment of truth awaited, and as the video shows, it was indeed her beloved Emmy Lou.

Rebecca now resides in Franklin, Kentucky, and hopes that her story will inspire others who are searching for their lost pets. She shares her heartfelt advice, “For those who find lost animals, please take them to a vet or a shelter to be scanned for a chip. This gives the owners a chance to find their beloved pets.”

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Sign Petition Today: No more puppy mills!

Missouri is already referred to as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from the cruelty of puppy mills.


She also offers words of encouragement for those who have lost their pets: “Stay strong—social media is your best friend. Reach out to other animal lovers who will sympathize and actively help you search. And beware of false ransom notes—some people can be cold-hearted in the face of sorrow.”

Rebecca’s relentless dedication and the power of community ultimately led to the joyous reunion with Emmy Lou. Their story is a testament to the unwavering bond between pets and their owners and the incredible impact that social media and community support can have in reuniting lost animals with their families.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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