Harvey, a husky with a charming yet slightly deformed face due to a puppy bite, had an early life marked by challenges and resilience. Despite his rough start, Harvey healed remarkably well, retaining only a slightly lopsided appearance as a reminder of his past. His unique look, however, did not diminish his vibrant personality and loving nature. Instead, it added a distinctive charm to his character. Harvey’s story is one of overcoming adversity and finding love in unexpected places, highlighting the beauty of imperfection and the strength of the spirit.

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Harvey’s journey took him to a shelter in San Diego, California, where he became a beloved resident. He was often overlooked by potential adopters due to his facial deformity, which some people saw as a flaw rather than a unique charm. Despite this, Harvey’s playful and affectionate demeanor made him a favorite among the shelter staff. Joy Ollinger, an officer at the San Diego County Department of Animal Services, took a special interest in Harvey. She often had him in her office, where he would sit with her, putting his paw on her lap or desk, seeking affection and companionship.

One day, Joy decided to post a photo of Harvey online, hoping to find him the loving home he deserved. The picture showed Harvey’s endearing face, highlighting his unique charm. Little did she know that this photo would change Harvey’s life forever. The image quickly gained attention, reaching the eyes of the Lankston family in Seattle, Washington. Sherry Lankston and her two sons were immediately captivated by Harvey’s photo. They saw past his deformity and recognized the love and joy he had to offer.

Determined to meet Harvey and bring him into their family, Sherry and her sons embarked on a 2,600-mile road trip from Seattle to San Diego. The journey was long and filled with anticipation. Along the way, they talked about how Harvey would fit into their family and how excited they were to meet him. When they finally arrived at the shelter, the moment was nothing short of magical. Harvey immediately clicked with the Lankstons, especially their other dog, River. The initial meeting was filled with wagging tails, happy barks, and lots of cuddles.

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However, one more step remained before Harvey could officially become a Lankston. Sherry’s husband, who had been working during their road trip, needed to meet Harvey as well. He flew down to San Diego to join his family at the shelter. As soon as he sat down, Harvey went right over to him and leaned against his legs, as if to say, “I’m ready to go home.” The bond was instant, and there was no doubt that Harvey was meant to be a part of their family.

For Joy Ollinger, Harvey’s adoption was a bittersweet moment. She had grown deeply attached to Harvey during his time at the shelter. His playful antics and loving nature had brought joy to her days, and saying goodbye was not easy. Joy had always hoped that Harvey would find a family who saw his true beauty and worth. When the Lankston family came along, she knew that her wish had finally come true. They saw Harvey’s unique look as a part of his charm, not something to be ridiculed.

With the adoption paperwork signed, Harvey embarked on his new life with the Lankston family. The journey back to Seattle was filled with excitement and joy. Harvey had a new family, a new home, and a new life ahead of him. Once settled in Seattle, Harvey quickly adapted to his new surroundings. He bonded with River and found new playmates in his four cat siblings. The Lankston home was filled with the sounds of happy pets and loving interactions. Harvey’s story became a testament to the power of love and acceptance.

Image Credit: YouTube

Sign Petition Today: No more puppy mills!

Missouri is already referred to as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from the cruelty of puppy mills.


Harvey’s adoption story is a powerful reminder of the thousands of animals in shelters who need loving homes. Many of these animals, like Harvey, may have unique appearances or past traumas, but they all have an abundance of love to give. If you’re considering adding a furry friend to your family, think about rescuing an animal in need. By adopting from a shelter, you’re not just giving a pet a home; you’re saving a life and gaining a loyal companion.

Harvey’s journey from a desert puppy to a beloved family member in Seattle highlights the importance of looking beyond appearances and recognizing the loving spirit of animals in need. His story encourages us all to open our hearts and homes to pets who may not fit the conventional standards of beauty but have an immense amount of love and joy to offer.

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The post Special Husky with Facial Deformity Finds Loving Family After 2,000-Mile Trip appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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