When KOMO News in Washington State caught wind of a heartwarming story that had been spreading joy throughout the community, they knew they had to see it firsthand. Arriving at the scene, the news crew was greeted by an exuberant Saint Bernard named Brody. This lovable dog, with his big floppy ears and boundless energy, seemed to embody pure joy and warmth. As the crew prepared to uncover the details of this touching tale, they soon realized that Brody’s story was one of unexpected friendship and enduring love.

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At two years old, Brody is a big, floppy puppy with a heart as vast as his size. He belongs to Dave and Edie Mazzarella, who have loved and cared for him since he was a mere pup. Dave reminisced about the very first day he brought Brody home, an event that set the stage for an extraordinary friendship.

“I had just given him a bath,” Dave recounted, “and when I went inside the house, he was nowhere to be found.”

The search for Brody began inside their home, but the curious pup was nowhere in sight. After a thorough inspection of their property, they realized he had made his way next door to the home of their 93-year-old neighbor, Sally Reenhorn.

Sally, who lives alone, vividly remembers the first time Brody appeared at her doorstep. The memory brings a smile to her face every time she recalls it.

“There was this adorable little puppy lying by my sliding doors, and he was so cute and tiny. He just stayed there, looking at me with those big eyes. That was Brody!”

Without any dog treats on hand, Sally improvised and offered Brody some old bread. To her delight, he devoured it enthusiastically. From that moment on, Brody has had a special preference for bread when visiting Sally, refusing to take dog food from her.

Brody’s initial visit marked the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Over the years, he became a regular visitor at Sally’s house, sometimes stopping by three or four times a day. Their bond grew stronger with each visit, as Dave and Edie observed from a distance.

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Realizing the uniqueness of Brody and Sally’s relationship, Dave decided to share their story with the world. He began capturing videos of their interactions and posting them on Instagram, where their bond quickly garnered attention and admiration.

Whether Brody was following Sally around her yard as she tended to her plants or placing his big paws on her window to catch her attention, their connection was undeniable and heartwarming. It was a testament to the incredible bond that can form between humans and animals.

However, life took an unexpected turn when Sally suffered a heart attack. Her family decided it was time for her to move into a senior living facility to ensure she received the care she needed. While Sally adjusted to her new environment and made new friends, Brody was left confused and heartbroken.

Four months after Sally moved out, Brody still ran over to her house, placing his giant paws on her window, hoping she would return. The sight of Brody waiting for Sally, even in her absence, tugged at the hearts of everyone who witnessed it.

“He was sad. He was looking for Sally and didn’t understand where she went,” Edie shared, her voice filled with empathy for the loyal pup.

“He didn’t know any different,” Dave added. “He just went over there every day, but there were no more treats, so he would just sit there and fall asleep on the porch. I’d have to call him back or drag him back.”

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Witnessing Brody’s grief, Dave knew he had to do something to reunite the two friends. So, he decided to take Brody to visit Sally at the senior care facility. The facility, located just three miles away, became a new meeting place for Brody and Sally.

The moment Brody and Sally were reunited, it was as if all was right in the world again. Sally’s face lit up with joy as she greeted her beloved furry friend.

“Are you going to stay with me today? Do you hear the birdies? Do you hear the birdies, Brody? Ahhhh Brrrrrrody…” Sally said affectionately, her Dutch accent rolling the Rs in Brody’s name.

From that day forward, it was clear that Brody would become a regular visitor at the care facility. Their bond, built on mutual love and companionship, continued to grow stronger. The residents and staff at the facility welcomed Brody with open arms, recognizing the positive impact he had on Sally and everyone around him.

Brody’s visits brought immense joy not only to Sally but also to the other residents at the facility. His floppy ears, wagging tail, and gentle demeanor had a way of brightening everyone’s day. It was a testament to the powerful and healing nature of the bond between humans and animals.

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Sign Petition Today: No more puppy mills!

Missouri is already referred to as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from the cruelty of puppy mills.


Dave and Edie continued to document Brody and Sally’s interactions, sharing their heartwarming moments with the world. The story of Brody and Sally became a beacon of hope and love, illustrating the profound connections that can form between a dog and a human, transcending age and circumstance.

In the end, Brody and Sally’s story is a reminder of the enduring power of friendship and the simple joys that come from being in the presence of a loved one. Their bond, unbreakable and unwavering, serves as an inspiration to all who hear their tale.

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The post Young ‘Floppy-Eared’ Dog and 95-Year-Old Forge Unbreakable Bond appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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