If you’re a Pekingese parent, you know that life with these regal, fluffy, and occasionally stubborn dogs is a delightful blend of comedy and royalty. Pekingese, often referred to as lion dogs, bring an air of majestic charm and a whole lot of personality to your home. These little dogs with their flat faces and luxurious coats have a long history as companions to Chinese royalty, and they certainly carry themselves as if they know it. Living with a Pekingese means you’ve likely adapted to their unique needs and eccentricities, and you find endless joy in their antics. From their epic snoozing habits to their amusing independence, Pekingese dogs have a way of capturing your heart and making you laugh every day. Let’s explore seven telltale signs that you are indeed a proud parent of one of these remarkable dogs.

1. You’ve Accepted That You Share Your Throne

Pekingese dogs have a knack for finding and claiming the best seat in the house. If you’re a Pekingese parent, you’ve come to terms with the fact that your dog believes they own every piece of furniture, especially your favorite chair. You’ve learned to negotiate for space, often finding yourself perched on the edge while your Pekingese lounges luxuriously. Their regal demeanor as they sit, often with their paws crossed and a look of serene satisfaction is a constant reminder of their royal lineage. Despite the frequent battle for the throne, you find their sense of entitlement endearing and can’t help but chuckle at their royal attitude.

2. Your Vacuum Cleaner is Your Best Friend

Pekingese have thick, double coats that shed year-round. If you’re a Pekingese parent, your vacuum cleaner is probably one of your most-used household appliances. You’ve become a fur-fighting warrior, battling against the constant onslaught of hair that finds its way onto your clothes, furniture, and floors. You’ve invested in lint rollers, grooming tools, and high-quality pet shampoos to keep your coat looking its best. Despite the fur tornado that is a Pekingese, you wouldn’t trade their fluffy coat for anything. You’ve come to embrace the fur as part of the package and even find a certain charm in the soft, silky tufts they leave behind.

3. You’ve Mastered the Art of Pekingese Pampering

Pekingese dogs are known for their diva-like tendencies. If you have a Pekingese, you’ve become an expert in doggy pampering. From regular grooming sessions to ensuring their meals are served on time and with the right amount of flair, you’ve turned into a personal attendant. You’ve probably invested in a variety of plush beds, gourmet treats, and maybe even a stroller for those times when your Pekingese decides walking is beneath them. Their royal demands are met with love and humor, and you take pride in keeping them comfortable and happy. Your Pekingese’s contented sighs and affectionate looks make all the effort worthwhile.

4. You’re No Stranger to the Pekingese Stubborn Streak

Pekingese are independent and can be quite stubborn. If you’re a Pekingese parent, you’ve learned to navigate their occasional obstinance with patience and creativity. Training sessions often feel more like negotiations, and you’ve become adept at using positive reinforcement to get them to follow commands. You understand that a Pekingese will only do something if they see a clear benefit, usually in the form of a tasty treat or extra cuddle time. Their stubborn streak, while sometimes challenging, is also part of their charm. You’ve learned to appreciate their independence and the unique ways they express their personality.

5. Your Home is Decorated with Low-Level Décor

Pekingese are small and close to the ground, which means they see the world from a different perspective. If you’re a Pekingese parent, your home is likely decorated with low-level décor to cater to their height. You’ve ensured that their favorite toys, beds, and water dishes are easily accessible. You’ve also learned to keep valuable or fragile items out of reach to prevent accidental mishaps. Your home may have ramps or steps to help them navigate furniture, and you’ve become skilled at creating a Pekingese-friendly environment. This attention to detail ensures your Pekingese can move comfortably and confidently around their domain.

6. You’re Used to the Pekingese Snooze Routine

Pekingese dogs love their naps and can often be found snoozing in the most comfortable spots. If you have a Pekingese, you’ve adjusted to their extensive sleep schedule. You’ve likely created multiple cozy nap zones around your home, complete with soft beds and blankets. Their ability to sleep in the most adorable and sometimes contorted positions never fails to amuse you. You’ve learned to tiptoe around your sleeping Pekingese, respecting their need for beauty rest. Watching them sleep peacefully brings you a sense of tranquility, and their relaxed demeanor is a reminder to enjoy the simpler pleasures in life.

7. You’re a Master at Celebrating Small Victories

Pekingese dogs have a way of turning the smallest achievements into grand victories. If you’re a Pekingese parent, you’ve become a master at celebrating these moments. Whether it’s a successful bath time, a completed training session, or just an exceptionally cute pose, you find joy in the little things. Your phone is likely filled with photos and videos of your Pekingese, capturing every adorable moment and silly antic. You share these highlights with friends and family, spreading the joy your Pekingese brings into your life. Their triumphs, no matter how small, are a source of pride and happiness.

Being a Pekingese parent is a unique and rewarding experience. These affectionate, independent dogs bring so much love and laughter into your life, making every day an adventure. Whether it’s managing their grooming needs, pampering them like royalty, or simply enjoying their company, you wouldn’t trade your Pekingese for anything in the world.

The post 7 Telltale Signs You’re A Pekingese Parent appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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