No domesticated animal belongs on the streets, especially a puppy! It’s a grueling scenario. They must search for food and shelter in inclement weather. They’re small, alone, and afraid, making survival more challenging. A small brown puppy, searching for a place to escape the harsh realities of street life, decided to take shelter in a drainpipe along the side of a busy road. This little pup, who would later be named Charlie, hoped that someone would eventually notice her in this uncomfortable hiding spot and rescue her. However, with cars speeding by, no one seemed to see her.


As time passed, Charlie grew disheartened. But what she didn’t realize was that her luck was about to change. Aubrey V Lynn, who was working from home, said goodbye to her partner as he headed to the gym. Little did she know that her day would soon be interrupted by the sweetest surprise. “I was at home working, and my partner was headed to the gym, leaving our neighborhood, when he saw her. He kept driving past and knew he couldn’t just leave her, so [he] turned around and sent me a message,” Aubrey told The Dodo.


Determined to keep the pup from spending another night on the streets, Aubrey knew they had to help. However, rescuing the pup wasn’t easy. Since the drainpipe was near a busy road, Aubrey and her partner worried that if they frightened Charlie, she might run into traffic. “We were both really anxious because sometimes she would come out of the hole, but she wouldn’t let us get close enough to catch her,” Aubrey explained.

They decided to try a different approach. They went to a local pet store and bought some tasty dog food, hoping it would entice Charlie out of the drain. They set the trap and waited. But even after 24 hours, the scared puppy wasn’t ready to come out. “We sat there for hours trying to grab her. She wouldn’t come out, so we went to leave…and she ran right up to us,” Aubrey shared.


Aubrey quickly scooped up the pup, not wanting to risk her running away again. As soon as she held her, Charlie instantly felt the love and safety Aubrey offered, and she began to relax. “She calmed immediately and didn’t try to get away,” Aubrey said. She and her partner took the adorable puppy home with them.

Although they hadn’t planned on getting a dog, spending time with Charlie quickly changed their minds, and soon, they couldn’t imagine life without her. “We never talked about it while trying to rescue her because our focus was just getting her to safety, but I think both of us knew in that moment that she was a part of our family now,” Aubrey reflected.


Despite her tough start, Charlie adjusted quickly to her new home. “She adapted really well. We let her sleep and eat in safety for a while, and then the first time we went to sit with her, she was timid but warmed up so quickly. You could tell she just wanted to be loved — it was really sweet,” Aubrey said.

Now, as they watch Charlie run and play in their backyard, Aubrey and her partner are filled with gratitude for the joy this sweet puppy has brought into their lives. Click the video below to see Charlie’s story. It’s wonderful!

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