When Julie Elrod decided to adopt Beanie, a blind and deaf senior dog, she was fully aware that it would require an extraordinary level of patience, love, and care to help Beanie acclimate to her new environment. Beanie’s background was marred by neglect and trauma, having been rescued from a distressing situation at the age of 11. Despite the challenges ahead, Elrod was determined to give Beanie the life she deserved. This journey of healing and transformation would not only change Beanie’s life but also profoundly impact Elrod’s own.

Image Credit: TikTok

Beanie was rescued at the age of 11 from a truly dreadful situation. Neglected and possibly abused, she had never experienced the warmth and affection of a loving home. Due to her past, Beanie wasn’t accustomed to the caring environment that Elrod provided. The poor dog wasn’t used to human touch and struggled with basic habits like housebreaking and eating. She had spent so much time in isolation that the concept of human companionship was foreign to her.

Elrod faced a significant challenge when she first brought Beanie home. The question that lingered in her mind was how she could help Beanie learn to love and trust again. It was clear that whatever approach she took needed to be filled with joy and create a connection between them. The answer came in the form of dance, a gentle, rhythmic way to communicate and bond with her new furry friend.

“I have been dancing with Beanie every day since we adopted her from Rescue Dogs Rock in 2018,” Elrod shared with The Dodo. “Since she is blind and deaf, I communicate with her through touch.” This daily routine wasn’t just about physical movement; it was a way for Elrod to build a bridge of trust and affection with Beanie.

At first, Beanie would run away whenever Elrod tried to pet her. She preferred to sit by herself, shying away from any interaction. But Elrod was determined to show Beanie that she was safe and loved. She started incorporating slow, gentle dances into their daily routine.

Image Credit: TikTok

“Now, every day, I do ‘slow dance therapy’ to hold her close and sway back and forth. Even though she can’t hear me, I also sing to her,” Elrod explained. The slow dance therapy became a cornerstone of Beanie’s rehabilitation. It was through these dances that Beanie began to understand the concept of love and safety.

Over the years, this daily ritual has had a profound impact on Beanie. She has transformed from a scared, isolated dog into a trusting and affectionate companion. “She now trusts me completely and melts into my body as we slow dance,” Elrod said. “No matter what my schedule is, I make time every single day to slow dance with my best friend and soulmate.”

Beanie has now been in her new home for several years, and during this time, she has received an abundance of love and care. The transformation is nothing short of remarkable. Beanie, who once didn’t know how to give or receive love, has become a dog who relishes in the affection of her new mom.

“She did not know how to give love or receive love, and it was pretty clear that she wasn’t interested at all in learning about love,” Elrod recalled. “She had no idea about housebreaking and didn’t like to eat, so even now, we have to hand feed her.”

In return for all the love and care she receives, Beanie has her own ways of showing affection. “She shows me that she loves me in different ways,” Elrod noted. “And she’s in my arms nearly 24 hours a day. Wherever I go, she goes.” This constant companionship has created a deep bond between them, one that Elrod cherishes immensely.

However, Elrod believes that Beanie has enriched her life more than she has Beanie’s. “I would not trade being Beanie’s mom for anything,” Elrod stated. “I love her unconditionally and infinitely. Beanie is my soulmate dog, and I thank God for every second I have with her. No amount of time will ever be enough.”

Image Credit: TikTok

Sign Petition Today: A Dog Died in This Sitter’s Care

Authorities have charged a New Jersey man with multiple counts of animal cruelty after they discovered several dogs in his care living in dangerous and violent conditions. Under current law, there is nothing preventing this man from owning, possessing, or caring for other animals in the future.


Beanie is just one of the special needs dogs that Elrod and her husband care for. They run a sanctuary dedicated to providing a loving home for pups with unique challenges. “They are our kids,” Elrod writes on her TikTok page. This sanctuary not only offers a safe haven for these dogs but also demonstrates the power of love and dedication in transforming lives.

In a world where many animals are neglected or forgotten, the story of Julie Elrod and Beanie is a shining example of how love, patience, and a little bit of creativity can make all the difference. Through slow dance therapy and unconditional love, Beanie has found a home where she is cherished and understood, proving that even the most broken souls can be healed with the right touch.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!


I dance with my blind, deaf rescue baby every single day no matter what. I don’t care what meetings I’m late to, I make the time to dance with Beanie #dogs #animals #rescue #rescuedogs #cutedogvideos #cutedog #bff #bffs #bestfriendsforever #adoptdontshop #maltese

♬ Both Sides Now – Joni Mitchell

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The post Blind and Deaf Senior Dog Discovers Love Through Slow Dancing with Her New Mom appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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