When dogs find themselves in dangerous or precarious situations, they don’t have the luxury of calling for help. Their furry paws aren’t equipped for dialing 911 or sending a text message. But dogs possess something even more powerful than technology: their instincts and keen sense of direction. These natural abilities often guide them when they face unexpected challenges. Aries, a pitbull mix, is a perfect example of how dogs can rely on these instincts to navigate through difficult circumstances, demonstrating remarkable resourcefulness and intelligence when it matters most.

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It all began in Detroit, where Aries was riding in the passenger seat of her mom’s car. Her mom, Melissa Fickel, had no idea that this routine drive through the city would take such an unexpected twist. As they approached an intersection, Melissa was simply focused on getting from one place to another. Aries, as usual, was enjoying one of her favorite pastimes—sticking her head out the window and feeling the breeze rush past her face. It’s a common pleasure for dogs, the feeling of freedom as they take in the world with their heads held high and noses twitching at all the scents carried by the wind.

But what started as a typical day for Aries quickly turned into a situation fraught with danger. As Melissa’s car moved through the intersection, another vehicle came barreling towards them. The collision was sudden and jarring. All Melissa could register was a powerful “BUMP” that reverberated through the car. The next thing she knew, Aries was no longer in the seat beside her.

“As soon as the impact happened, almost instantaneously, she was out the window,” Melissa later recalled. The sheer force of the collision had propelled Aries out of the car, and in an instant, her beloved dog had vanished into the chaotic streets of Detroit.

The relief that Melissa felt knowing she was physically unhurt was quickly overshadowed by panic—where was Aries? Detroit is a sprawling, bustling city, filled with busy streets and unfamiliar neighborhoods. A scared dog on the loose in such a vast urban environment could easily get lost or, worse, find herself in even more danger.

For any dog owner, the idea of their pet being alone and frightened in a big city is terrifying. Aries could have run in any direction. She could have darted into more traffic or wandered off into a residential area, becoming disoriented and lost among the endless streets and alleyways.

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But Aries wasn’t just any dog. While many dogs might have been paralyzed by fear or become hopelessly lost, Aries had a remarkable sense of direction and an even more remarkable memory. Instead of running aimlessly, she did something extraordinary—she made her way to a place she knew well, a doggy daycare she had visited many times before.

The daycare, Hounds Town, Metro Detroit, was a familiar haven for Aries. Located about a mile from the site of the accident, it was a place where Aries had spent countless hours playing with other dogs and receiving care and attention from the staff. And in her moment of crisis, Aries somehow knew that this was where she needed to go.

It’s possible that Aries had memorized the route from watching her mom drive there on previous occasions. Dogs are known for their ability to pick up on patterns and routines, and Aries was no exception. As she navigated the streets of Detroit, her keen senses guided her toward the one place she felt safe.

The journey couldn’t have been easy. Aries had to make her way through a busy city, avoiding cars and other potential dangers. But with determination and a strong sense of purpose, she pressed on.

When Aries finally arrived at Hounds Town, she was visibly shaken but unhurt. The daycare staff were on their noon break when they saw a familiar face at the door—Aries was pacing nervously, tapping on the door with her paws as if she was knocking for help.

Dominic Pace, the general manager at Hounds Town, was among the first to spot Aries. He recognized her immediately and knew something was wrong. “She was clearly distressed,” Dominic said. “But it was incredible how she found her way here.”

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Dominic believes that Aries relied not just on her memory of the route, but also on her powerful sense of smell. The scent of the daycare, combined with the smells of other dogs that Aries associated with comfort and safety, likely led her straight to the door of Hounds Town. After all, dogs have an incredible ability to remember places based on scent, and Aries proved just how strong that memory can be.

As soon as the staff realized what had happened, they quickly brought Aries inside, offering her the comfort and reassurance she needed. Although she was physically unharmed, it was clear that the ordeal had left her shaken. The familiar surroundings of the daycare, however, helped to calm her nerves.

Meanwhile, Melissa was frantically searching for Aries. The relief she felt when she received the call from Hounds Town was indescribable. Not only was her beloved dog safe, but Aries had also demonstrated an incredible ability to look after herself in a crisis.

When Melissa arrived at the daycare to pick up Aries, the reunion was emotional. She was overjoyed to see her dog safe and sound, and she couldn’t believe the incredible journey Aries had made to get there.

“Aries is one smart and brave dog,” Melissa said. “I’m just so thankful she knew where to go and that the people at Hounds Town were there to take care of her.”

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Sign Petition Today: A Dog Died in This Sitter’s Care

Authorities have charged a New Jersey man with multiple counts of animal cruelty after they discovered several dogs in his care living in dangerous and violent conditions. Under current law, there is nothing preventing this man from owning, possessing, or caring for other animals in the future.


The story of Aries’ journey through the streets of Detroit is one that highlights the incredible instincts and intelligence of dogs. In a moment of crisis, Aries didn’t panic—she found her way to a place where she knew she would be safe. It’s a story that serves as a reminder of the strong bond between dogs and their owners, and the lengths to which dogs will go to protect themselves and the ones they love.

As for Aries, she’s back home with her mom, safe and sound. And while the accident was a terrifying experience, it’s also a testament to Aries’ bravery and resourcefulness. In the end, Aries proved that even when faced with danger, dogs can rely on their instincts—and their sense of direction—to find their way to safety.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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The post Courageous Dog Navigates Detroit Streets After Car Crash, Finds Help at Doggy Day Care Over a Mile Away appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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