I have been worrying all day about Iacs.  He is not himself and is spending a lot of time by himself, which is never a good sign.

It is not like him.  He has deliberately taken himself away from the other two or lost them.  He does do that quite a lot.  I think the one brain cell is on a go slow.

When OH mentioned that Iacs was not himself this morning, after giving them their breakfast bucket, I decided we needed to do something. What? I was not sure.  But something.

So I gave Iacs a dose of oral probiotic paste and then talked to Daisy.

I went back and gave Iacs a dose of nuclear wormer too, for good measure.  They are due.

I kept an eye on Iacs all day and am hoping that whatever it is, now isn’t.  I noticed he has now rejoined the group.

Later, I took a carrot over for each of the horses.

The eating, drinking, rifling through my pockets and trying to annoy Kolka is still the same.

So I will continue praying to the Gods that this is just a Bibble-blip.  Please keep everything crossed.

In other news, I left the sheep to their own devices today and things are definitely calmer, though Barrel continues to be a numpty towards Gussie and Dahlia.

Dahlia is intrigued by the hens and ducks.  She keeps cornering  or holding them hostage to find out more about them.

Gus-Gus is enchanting.  We had lovely hugs today.

He’s just so fluffy!

So everything crossed for Iacs, please.  I will go to town tomorrow and get more wormer so I can nuke everyone.  It’s that time of year.

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