Chico is a Shepsky, a delightful mix of German Shepherd and Husky. At just a year old, he’s still very much a playful pup at heart. His owner, Edward Alvarado, initially believed Chico’s German Shepherd genes would make him an excellent guard dog. However, it turns out Chico’s Husky side is more dominant, showcasing his quirky, friendly, and overly affectionate nature. Rather than being the vigilant protector his owner imagined, Chico is more interested in making new friends and having fun.

Chico’s boundless curiosity and energy mean he can’t stand being bored. That’s likely why one night, Chico decided to embark on an adventure without anyone noticing. At around 3 AM, Chico wandered away from home and found his way to the Odessa Police Department, which was about a mile from where he lived.

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Without hesitation, Chico strolled right into the station, stood on his hind legs, and placed his paws on the counter as if he had important business to attend to. The officers on duty were stunned; after all, it’s not every day that a dog walks in and behaves like he’s there to file a report.

Though no one at the station could speak “dog,” they assumed Chico might be seeking help. However, it quickly became clear Chico wasn’t stressed or frightened—he was just there to have a good time. And fun is exactly what he found! The officers spent time playing fetch with the energetic pup, thoroughly enjoying his unexpected visit.

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Despite the laughter and games, they knew they needed to find Chico’s home. They posted photos of his surprise visit online, hoping his family would recognize him. Although Chico wore a collar, his tags were missing, likely having broken off recently. The next step was to call Animal Control to scan Chico for a microchip, but things took an unexpected turn when Chico, sensing something was up, decided to run away before they could arrive.

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Despite a history of violent behavior towards animals – including a widely circulated video showing his pit bull brutally mauling a helpless cat – this individual continued to harm animals without earlier intervention from law enforcement.

The officers feared Chico had become even more lost, but fortunately, the story has a happy ending. Chico wasn’t lost at all—he made his way back home on his own. When Edward Alvarado woke up, Chico was right there, acting as if nothing had happened.


Chico’s late-night adventure would have remained a secret if it hadn’t been for Alvarado’s cousin, who stumbled upon the police department’s photos online. When Alvarado saw the pictures, he was stunned. He had no idea his mischievous pup had taken such a daring trip.

Alvarado quickly contacted the police to let them know Chico was safe and sound back home. The officers responded by assuring Chico that he was welcome to visit the station anytime. While Chico’s adventure could have ended badly, his cleverness ensured he found his way back home. Alvarado is proud to have such a smart dog, though he’s committed to preventing more nighttime escapades.

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