
Dogs are beloved companions, offering loyalty, affection, and countless moments of joy to their human friends. However, dog ownership also comes with its fair share of less glamorous aspects, one of which can be dealing with odors. While all dogs can get a bit smelly from time to time, certain breeds are notorious for their ability to produce a more potent scent. These “stinkiest dog breeds” often require extra grooming and care to keep their smell under control. The reasons behind their distinctive odors range from natural skin oils to the shape of their ears and their propensity for drooling. Understanding these breeds can help potential dog owners prepare for the grooming needs of their furry friends.

Basset Hound


Basset Hounds are famous not only for their adorable, droopy looks but also for their distinctive smell. The breed’s long ears and skin folds trap moisture and can lead to bacterial growth if not cleaned regularly. Additionally, Basset Hounds have a naturally high oil production, which contributes to their unique scent. Regular grooming and ear cleaning are essential to keep a Basset Hound smelling fresh.

Saint Bernard


Saint Bernards are gentle giants known for their role in alpine rescues. However, their thick, dense fur and propensity for drooling make them prone to developing a strong odor. The breed’s size and double coat can trap dirt and oils, requiring regular baths and grooming to maintain cleanliness. Additionally, the drool from a Saint Bernard can leave a lingering scent on furniture and clothing.

English Bulldog


English Bulldogs are beloved for their distinctive, wrinkled appearance and friendly disposition. However, those same wrinkles can harbor bacteria and yeast, particularly around the face, leading to a noticeable smell. Bulldogs also tend to drool, which can add to the odor issue. Regular cleaning of their folds and skin, along with good dental hygiene, can help minimize the smell.



Boxers are energetic and playful companions, but they can also be among the stinkier breeds due to their skin type. Boxers have a higher risk of developing skin infections, which can produce a foul odor if not treated promptly. Their short fur does little to contain the smell, making regular baths and veterinary check-ups important to keep them smelling clean.

Cocker Spaniel


Cocker Spaniels are known for their beautiful, flowing coats and sweet nature. However, their long ears are prone to infections, which can lead to a bad smell if not properly cared for. The breed also tends oily skin, which can contribute to a distinctive odor. Regular grooming and ear cleaning are vital to prevent smells from developing.



Shar-Peis are unique for their deep wrinkles and blue-black tongue. Those same wrinkles can trap moisture and lead to bacterial growth, emitting a strong odor. The breed’s skin also produces more oil, which can exacerbate the smell. Owners must pay special attention to cleaning their Shar-Pei’s folds to keep them odor-free.



Mastiffs are known for their size and strength, but they can also carry a heavy scent. This breed tends to drool extensively, which can leave a smell on their fur and anything they come into contact with. Their large, floppy ears also pose a risk for infections, adding to potential odors. Regular cleaning and grooming are necessary to manage their smell.

Labrador Retriever


Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds, known for their friendly and outgoing nature. However, Labs are also prone to getting smelly, partly due to their love of water. Their dense, water-repellent coat can trap moisture and odors, especially if they’re not dried properly after a swim. Regular bathing and grooming can help keep their smell under control.



Bloodhounds have an unparalleled sense of smell, which ironically comes with a strong body odor of their own. Like Basset Hounds, their long ears and skin folds can trap moisture and dirt, leading to a distinctive scent. Their oily skin further contributes to their odor. Bloodhounds require regular grooming and ear cleaning to minimize their natural smell.

Understanding The Odors Of Stinky Dog Breeds


These breeds, despite their potential for producing strong odors, make wonderful and loving pets. With the proper care, attention to grooming, and regular veterinary check-ups, the stinky side of these dog breeds can be well managed, ensuring they remain a beloved part of any family.

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