
Some dogs enjoy running, retrieving, or chasing anything that moves, often showing signs of a high prey drive. Dogs with high prey drives have strong instincts to hunt and pursue moving objects, whether birds, small animals, or leaves blowing in the wind. These dogs are typically energetic and intelligent, but they can become challenging to manage without proper outlets for their energy. Providing them with productive ways to channel their instincts, such as regular exercise or engaging activities, is crucial for keeping them happy and well-behaved.

Rhodesian Ridgeback


Originally bred to hunt lions and big game in Africa, Rhodesian Ridgebacks intensely desire to hunt and track. Occasionally, the scent may lead them to some of the neighborhood cats, so make sure they’re always leashed or in a safe, enclosed area. These pups also make great guard dogs.

Airedale Terrier


Airedales were bred to track and trap otters, hence their high prey drive. They are the largest dogs in the terrier group. Today, this majestic-looking dog still enjoys digging and flushing out prairie dogs, squirrels, and rabbits.



Also known as the Mexican Hairless Dog, this breed has been known as the “little doctor” for the heat it emits, comforting those needing warmth. This snuggler is content to cuddle until a small creature, like a squirrel, comes into view… then the Xoloitzcuintli “Show-lo” will abandon the quiet time to go on the hunt.



The Greyhound has a long and lustrous history spanning almost a thousand years. Most of society today equates this breed with the racetrack. Greyhounds are incredibly laid back and prefer to lie in front of a cozy fire rather than do anything else… unless a furry animal scurries across their line of vision, then you’ll see just how fast their high prey drive can make a Greyhound run.



The Saluki is a beautiful and aloof breed. Saluki dogs can run up to 40 mph. Those speeds worked well two hundred years ago when Salukis were expected to chase down gazelles. Today, the modern Saluki enjoys a quieter life chasing squirrels and rabbits.

Pharaoh Hound


The Pharaoh Hound originated around 3000 BC in the Mediterranean. Pharaoh Hounds were used to hunt and chase small game. Today, they are laid-back dogs and content to hang with their humans. Still, he has a high prey drive and a strong instinct to hunt squirrels, rabbits, and other critters.



Chihuahuas are feisty! They tend to be reactive to moving objects, but this may have more to do with their “small but mighty” guard dog skills than their need to hunt.

Irish Wolfhound


The tallest of all the breeds, the Irish Wolfhound fancies itself a lap dog. This calm breed enjoys the company of their human and is content to amble at a quiet, unobtrusive pace… until they catch a glimpse of a creature scurrying in the opposite direction.

Bull Terrier


Allegedly bred for pit fighting in the nineteenth century, the Bull Terrier has mellowed considerably over the past centuries. Today, a lovable companion dog to their humans, there is still a streak of fierceness in which small animals are concerned.

English Springer Spaniel


Some English Springer Spaniel enthusiasts believe this breed’s high prey drive makes it the original and best dog for hunting. Bred to flush out the quarry, the instinct is still high to rush forward and scare small animals from their hiding places.

Siberian Husky


Bred to pull sleds and herd reindeer, Huskies’ high prey drive means they chase and capture small animals such as chickens, squirrels, and sometimes house cats. While Huskies can live in harmony with other small pets, make sure they meet before putting them under the same roof to be safe.

Embrace The Chase: Living With High-Prey-Drive Pups


While their high prey drive might keep you on your toes (and your cat on a permanent lookout), remember that these spirited pups are simply following their instincts. With the right training, exercise, and a little extra patience, these lively companions can fit right into your household—minus the occasional squirrel pursuit. After all, life with a high-prey-drive dog is never dull, and who doesn’t love a little extra excitement in their daily walk?

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