
Dogs are masters of communication; some breeds excel at getting what they want through subtle, clever, and even persuasive behaviors. These “natural-born negotiators” use their charm, intelligence, and social savvy to influence their owners and other dog breeds. Whether getting extra treats, more playtime, or negotiating their way out of trouble, these breeds can remarkably adapt their behavior to the situation. With their keen understanding of human emotions and exceptional problem-solving skills, they can nudge their way to favorable outcomes.

Shiba Inu


The Shiba Inu, with its strong-willed and independent personality, is a breed that knows how to get its way. Known for being stubborn, Shiba Inus use their intelligence and charm to influence their owners. They are skilled at getting what they want, whether sneaking extra treats or negotiating more playtime. Shibas are adept at using their body language and vocalizations to communicate with humans, often letting out their signature “Shiba scream” when they feel their demands aren’t being met. Their persistent and clever nature makes them master negotiators in any household.

French Bulldog


The French Bulldog may be small, but their persuasiveness is impressive. These dogs are known for their strong desire to be close to their humans, and they’ll go to great lengths to negotiate more attention or cuddles. French Bulldogs are experts at using their expressive faces and charming personalities to get what they want, often resorting to adorable pouts or playful antics to convince their owners. They can be quite persistent, and their strong emotional intelligence allows them to read their owner’s mood and negotiate for extra attention at just the right moment.



Beagles are renowned for their incredible nose and determination, which translate into their negotiation skills. This breed has a reputation for being food-motivated, and they are quick to use their charm and persistence to bargain for extra treats or snacks. Beagles are skilled at using their soulful eyes and playful antics to persuade their owners, often pushing boundaries. Their intelligence and determination make them highly effective at negotiating their way into getting what they want, whether it’s more food, playtime, or freedom to roam.



The Basenji, often called the “barkless dog,” is known for its quiet yet clever personality. While they may not bark, Basenjis are incredibly adept at communicating with their humans through other means. Their independent nature doesn’t stop them from finding creative ways to negotiate for more freedom or attention. Whether using subtle body language or their signature yodel-like sounds, Basenjis have a way of getting their point across without saying much. Their ability to assess a situation and determine the best course of action makes them skilled negotiators who can influence their owners without being too overt.

Cocker Spaniel


Cocker Spaniels are not only affectionate and friendly, but they are also excellent at using their charm to negotiate favorable outcomes. Their expressive eyes and sweet demeanor often allow them to get what they want with little resistance. Cocker Spaniels can leverage their cuteness and emotional intelligence to persuade their owners whether they want more treats, extra playtime, or attention. Their gentle persistence and ability to read human emotions make them natural-born negotiators who can easily charm their way into getting what they desire.

Tibetan Terrier


Despite its name, the Tibetan Terrier is not a true terrier but is known for its intelligence and ability to adapt to different situations. Tibetan Terriers are excellent at negotiating with their owners, often using their cleverness and social awareness to get what they want. They can quickly assess their owner’s mood and adjust their behavior accordingly, whether it’s asking for more attention, playtime, or even bargaining for better sleeping arrangements. Their ability to use charm and wit to influence their surroundings makes them standout negotiators in any household.

Australian Shepherd


Australian Shepherds are known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities, making them master negotiators in their interactions with humans and other animals. This breed is highly perceptive and understands how to influence its environment to achieve its goals. Australian Shepherds are particularly good at negotiating more playtime or attention by using their boundless energy and charm to convince their owners. They are experts at reading human body language and emotions, allowing them to time their requests for maximum impact, whether they’re asking for more activity or a treat after a job well done.



Papillons may be small, but their intelligence and social awareness make them excellent at negotiating. This toy breed is known for its quick wit and ability to charm its way into favorable situations. Papillons can often manipulate their owners into giving them extra attention, playtime, or even a spot on the couch by using their playful demeanor and expressive faces. They are also highly adaptable, knowing when to push for what they want and when to be patient. Their negotiation tactics are subtle yet effective, making them a delightful and clever companion.

Portuguese Water Dog


The Portuguese Water Dog is a highly intelligent and adaptable breed, making it natural at negotiating with its human companions. These dogs were originally bred to assist fishermen, requiring them to problem-solve and think on their feet. This problem-solving ability translates into their negotiation skills, as they quickly figure out how to get what they want, whether it’s more playtime, attention, or an extra snack. Portuguese Water Dogs are persistent without being overbearing, using their intelligence and charm to convince their owners to meet their needs, often without much resistance.

Shetland Sheepdog


Shetland Sheepdogs, or Shelties, are known for their intelligence, agility, and sensitivity to their owner’s emotions. This breed excels at reading human body language and adjusting their behavior to influence outcomes. Whether they’re seeking more playtime, treats, or attention, Shelties use their cleverness and charm to negotiate with their owners. Their ability to anticipate their owner’s desires and respond accordingly makes them highly effective at getting what they want. Shelties are also known for their loyalty, which they cleverly use to their advantage when negotiating rewards or affection.

The Ultimate Canine Dealmakers


These dog breeds are more than just pets; they are natural-born negotiators who can work their charm and intelligence to get what they want. Whether through subtle communication, reading human emotions, or using their playful antics, these dogs have mastered the art of negotiation. From the clever Shiba Inu to the charming French Bulldog, each breed on this list has its unique way of influencing their owners and achieving their desired outcomes. With their negotiation skills, these dogs prove that sometimes, persistence and charm can go a long way in getting what you want!

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