A dedicated full-time dog rescuer, Suzette Hall, is accustomed to encountering pups in desperate and heartbreaking situations. Most of her rescue missions involve dogs found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, California, alone and scared. However, this past weekend, she came across a case that stood out from the rest—a dog that wasn’t just wandering but was helplessly stranded. The poor pup had been abandoned and left tied to a pole in a quiet residential neighborhood, stuck on the sidewalk with no way to escape.

Suzette Hall/Facebook

Terrified and bewildered, the distressed dog watched as people walked by, offering no help or even a second glance. “He was there all night, tied to that pole,” Hall shared in a Facebook post. “I seriously can’t believe how many people just did nothing.”

To make matters worse, a pack of coyotes had roamed the area during the night. Despite his small size and being tethered, the brave little dog managed to fend them off and survive the ordeal.

Suzette Hall/Facebook

When Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy 29, arrived at the scene, she was deeply moved by the pup’s courage and gentleness. “What a sweet baby who did nothing to deserve that,” she wrote. “I told him we would figure it all out.” Hall made a promise to the dog, whom she affectionately named Piñata, that she would find him a loving home where he would never feel abandoned again.

With a gentle touch, Hall untied Piñata from the pole, scooped him up in her arms, and placed him safely in her van. As they drove away, Piñata, sensing he was finally safe, relaxed and fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. “The best part, and my favorite part, is [that] he knew it was going to be OK and fell asleep driving to my vet,” Hall reflected.

Suzette Hall/Facebook

Upon their arrival at Camino Pet Hospital, Piñata underwent a thorough medical examination and, thankfully, was given a clean bill of health. After enjoying a comforting bath and some much-needed rest, Piñata was taken to his new foster home, where he quickly began to thrive.

Suzette Hall/Facebook

“He is so sweet and kind,” Hall told The Dodo, expressing her admiration for his gentle spirit. Piñata will soon be available for adoption, and he hopes to find a wonderful family who will cherish him forever. In the meantime, the little dog is making the most of his time in foster care, continuously showing gratitude to his rescuers for saving him.

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Despite a history of violent behavior towards animals – including a widely circulated video showing his pit bull brutally mauling a helpless cat – this individual continued to harm animals without earlier intervention from law enforcement.

“He is beyond grateful to be rescued,” Hall said. “Look at his smiles now.” Piñata’s transformation from a scared, abandoned dog to a happy, hopeful pup is a testament to the power of love and kindness.

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The post ‘Scruffy Puppy’ Fended Off Coyotes While Waiting To Be Found appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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