Brittany Novicks experienced one of the most harrowing ordeals that a dog owner can face: the sudden disappearance of her beloved dog, Ashley. This emotional crisis struck a profound chord within the Novicks family, as Ashley wasn’t just any pet; she was one of their four cherished dogs, each considered a member of the family. The disappearance of Ashley from their Savannah, Georgia home left an aching void, plunging the household into a state of distress and uncertainty. This heart-wrenching event marked the beginning of an intense and desperate search.


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“Ashley ran out through a door left open by the dog sitter,” Novicks explained. This unfortunate mistake triggered a frantic and desperate search that extended into the early morning hours. “I was out walking until 2 a.m. looking for her,” she told SavannahNow. “It was awful.” The community also joined in the search, hoping to spot the missing husky.

As the days turned into weeks, the Novicks family’s anxiety grew. Despite the exhaustive search efforts and numerous flyers posted around the neighborhood, there was no sign of Ashley. The family’s hope began to wane, but they refused to give up.

In an astonishing twist of fate, Ashley was discovered over 200 miles away in Daytona Beach, Florida. How she managed to traverse such a great distance remains a mystery. The Halifax Humane Society (HHS) speculates that Ashley might have been picked up by a truck driver or a passerby and later escaped or was released.

The Novicks family endured two agonizing weeks without any information about Ashley’s whereabouts. Their hope was reignited when a Facebook user, who had seen Novicks’ post about Ashley, recognized her on the HHS’s Facebook page. Ashley, now renamed Kit, was on the verge of being adopted by another family. This timely recognition was nothing short of miraculous.

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Novicks acted swiftly upon receiving the news. Just hours away from potentially losing Ashley to adoption, she contacted HHS. “I asked them to call her ‘Ashley’ and see if she would respond,” Novicks said. After an agonizing wait, the shelter confirmed that Ashley had indeed responded to her name. This confirmation brought immense relief and joy to the Novicks family.

Overcome with emotion, Novicks immediately gathered Ashley’s vet records and made the long drive to Daytona Beach. “I knew it was her the moment I saw her,” Novicks said. “Her goofy little grin gave her away.” The anticipation and excitement built as Novicks approached the shelter, eager to be reunited with her lost family member.

The reunion was nothing short of magical. A video capturing the moment quickly went viral, showcasing Ashley’s sheer joy upon seeing her parents again. She jumped up and down, barked excitedly, and rushed to her mom as soon as she was let out of her kennel. The bond between Ashley and Novicks was undeniable, and the reunion was filled with happy tears and heartfelt embraces. Novicks lifted the large husky like a baby, holding her close and vowing never to let her out of her sight again.

“Ashley was visibly thrilled to see her,” an HHS representative noted. “The owner was ecstatic to finally find Ashley after such a long search.” The emotional reunion touched the hearts of many, highlighting the deep connection between pets and their owners.

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Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That’s why we’re demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.


When Ashley was found, she was without the collar and tags she had when she went missing. This incident underscores the critical importance of microchipping pets. “Had Ashley been microchipped, she would have been returned much sooner,” HHS emphasized. “Only 22 percent of lost dogs entering shelters last year were reunited with their families, compared to over 52 percent for microchipped dogs.” The humane society hopes that Ashley’s story will encourage more pet owners to take this essential step in safeguarding their pets.

This heartwarming reunion is a powerful reminder of the importance of never giving up hope and the crucial role of microchipping in reuniting lost pets with their families. The Novicks family is overjoyed to have Ashley back where she belongs, and they are incredibly grateful to everyone who helped bring her home. Ashley’s return has brought a sense of completeness and joy back to their household, proving that love and perseverance can overcome even the most challenging obstacles.

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