I found these old videos today and they made me reminisce and think awwww and also cry.

This was when Lambie was very young (April 2015 so just born).  He is still dirty from his one day living with his mother and I hadn’t managed to clean the poop off his face.  We are bonding and, at this stage, I was thinking of calling him Pongo as his sister was Perdy (think 101 Dalmatians).  Perdy sadly died on Day 2 and their mother a few weeks later.  She was never in any fit state to have lambs.

And watching this video, I’ve just heard the music and seen BeAnne (whose name I still can’t say out loud) and I am now crying my eyes out, dammit.

*** sniff, and blow, and keep going ***

From Day 1, Lambie had a bad case of joint ill  (bacteriol arthritis) which meant he could barely walk and he got worse and worse, slowly going off his legs.  This resulted in many courses of antibiotics (intra-muscular injection, poor soul) to find one that would work.  He was very good about this. Walking was also prescribed.   Eating was not great but we persevered.

Daisy created “The Bear Grylls” assault course when I went to see my mother. Every day, Lambie had to complete it and slowly he got much better.


And then we got Lambie a friend – Day 1 with ‘Bert.  It didn’t take long before they were besties and Bert taught Lambie how to eat.

They were besties until Lambie became annoying.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the videos.  I think they are very sweet. I shouldn’t really watch them.  Seeing BeAnne does me in.


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