Dogs are often synonymous with love and joy, filling our lives with affection and loyalty. Most people recognize the importance of this bond and treat their pets as part of the family. Sadly, some fail to do so, and that’s where Isabella’s story begins. Isabella was left outside, chained to a short leash, with no access to food or water. Her owner saw her as nothing more than a source of profit, breeding her to sell puppies. It was the kindness of neighbors that kept her alive, secretly providing food and water. But their help wasn’t a lasting solution. Thankfully, one concerned neighbor contacted a rescue group, determined to give Isabella the care and love she had never known.


Rescuers from The Happy Doggo rushed to the scene as soon as they heard about Isabella’s situation. When they arrived, they were heartbroken to see the conditions she had endured. Her lead was so short that she could barely move, and it was clear she was in pain because of it. The rescuers were determined to change her life. Hearing from the neighbors that Isabella had spent her entire life chained up this way made the situation even more unbearable. It was clear that she had known nothing but confinement and neglect.


Despite the horrible things Isabella had been through, she was such a happy dog. She eagerly greeted her rescuers by wagging her tail and smiling. They desperately wanted to take Isabella with them right away, but they needed the owner to surrender her. The team from Happy Doggo reached out to authorities and other rescue groups for assistance. They started negotiating with the owner to see if he would be willing to release her. They realized it would be challenging, but it was necessary.

Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors

The man responsible is facing felony charges but must never be allowed to own or care for animals again.

After a lengthy process, he finally agreed to let her go. The rescuers brought her to a foster home where she could begin her recovery. Under their care, she underwent an amazing transformation. It was evident from the start that she was a very social dog, and this became increasingly clear as she settled in.


Isabella got her very own bed, toys, and blankets. Her smile hasn’t left her face since! We are over the moon for this dog’s happy ending! Click the video below to experience Isabella’s journey. Thank you, Happy Doggo, for the wonderful work you do!

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

@happydoggoniall This gorgeous girl has been tied up on an incredibly short chain for her entire life, used for breeding. This is her story of freedom and her new life… Beautiful Isabella has been chained up since she was three months old, made to have puppies at just a year old herself. We can’t go into too much detail but because she was on private property, we couldn’t just take her. She’d only managed to survive because kind locals had been sneaking her food and water. The conditions she was living in were terrible and local authorities had to get involved to get her free. You can see how delighted she was to have her freedom. Now she’s with us at Happy Doggo land and the rest of her life starts here. Her puppies have also found homes where they’ll be loved and looked after. Lovely Isabella will never need to go back to that place again Isabella would not have made it were it not for the help of a kind local feeder and concerned locals. They were able to bring in food and water on a regular basis to keep er alive. They were also able to take the puppies away and find them homes. Getting Isabella herself released was not easy and took a lot of negotiation and help in the background where both Samui Street Dogs and Bern from @soidogfoundationofficial were intrumental. It takes an army to save a dog #streetdog #rescuedog #dogrescue #dogs ♬ Fix You –

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