Yesterday, we had a lot of rain – it was cold and windy too.  So I put up lots of haynets inside the containers and left everyone to it.

They ate lots and made a some mess which I duly cleared up.

Last night, I struggled out in the dark to find the containers full of ponies.  Great, I thought as I hung up more haynets inside, they are getting the message.  While I was turning on the red lights, and tried to get any stragglers inside (it was shitting down by then), they all took umbrage, walked out and left.  “Rot in Hell”, I shouted after them, “you ungrateful lot!” and I turned off the lights wondering whether they preferred no light after all.

My “scientific experiment”, such as it was, proved that Shetland ponies do not like me spending money on unnecessary lights, worrying about what frequency best suits their eyes and driving miles for a selection of coloured coverings.

No, because this morning, when I went to collect up any empty haynets, I was greeted by almost ankle-deep poop.  The most ever I’ve seen since the containers arrived.

Which is scientific proof that ponies use containers for shelter if there are no lights.  And yet they remain ungrateful.

(and Ted, for anyone’s who has been missing him).

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