One day, while driving to a construction site in the mountains of Bali, a woman and her friend stumbled upon something unexpected—a stray dog in desperate need of help. The dog had no fur at all, her bare skin exposed to the elements. Moved by the pitiful sight, the woman approached the dog with treats, hoping to gain her trust and gently slip a leash around her neck. Unfortunately, the frightened dog bolted, too scared to let anyone get close.


The dog ran into a nearby building and took shelter in a cardboard box. Determined not to give up, the woman and her friend followed her inside. There, with patience and care, they managed to get the leash around her. Although the dog wasn’t exactly pleased to be caught, they knew they had to help her. Thankfully, the kind woman happens to be a seasoned rescuer with Bali Paws and knew just what to do!


Plans to visit the construction site were quickly abandoned. Instead, they headed straight to the nearest veterinarian to get the dog checked out. Blood tests and various medical examinations confirmed the obvious—this little dog had been through more hardship than anyone could imagine.

After the vet visit, they brought the dog, whom they named Piggy, to a puppy house they managed for rescued animals. Piggy’s fur was slowly starting to grow back, and with each passing day, she began to look more like the happy dog she was meant to be.


At first, Piggy formed a particularly strong attachment to the woman who rescued her. “She became obsessed with me,” the woman admitted, laughing. “Sometimes it was a bit overwhelming because she demanded so much attention.” But it was clear that Piggy was simply making up for lost time, learning what it felt like to be cared for and loved.


Within a month, her fur had started filling in beautifully. Piggy’s once-naked skin was now covered in soft, new fluff. She was thriving. They took her on outings, including a day at the beach. Seeing Piggy play freely, no longer afraid of people, felt almost surreal. “I still can’t believe she used to be so terrified of humans,” her rescuer commented.

Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors

The man responsible is facing felony charges but must never be allowed to own or care for animals again.

Eventually, the woman’s friend completed the cabins they had been building in the mountains. She decided to return for a visit, but this time, Piggy was coming along too. To make the experience extra special, they prepared a little surprise for Piggy—the dog got to spend a cozy night there as if she were already in her future forever home.


Piggy embraced every moment of the experience. They roasted marshmallows and enjoyed the quiet night, and when it was time to sleep, Piggy climbed into bed without hesitation, curling up as if she belonged there all along.


As the night ended, the woman couldn’t help but hope that soon, Piggy would get to experience this kind of happiness with a family of her own. Until then, Piggy will continue to live her best life with Bali Paws, surrounded by love. To see Piggy’s full rescue and what follows, click ‘play’ below.

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