In the quiet hours of the early morning, when most of the world was still asleep, Patrick Hennessey came across a scene that stopped him in his tracks. It was around 4:30 a.m., and while driving along a busy and high-traffic road, he noticed something unusual. In the dim light, two shadowy figures were huddled together in the middle of the street, almost invisible against the dark backdrop. As he slowed down and cautiously approached, Patrick realized these were not just any shadows—they were two pit bulls, clearly in distress, injured, and desperately in need of help.

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The sight tugged at Patrick’s heart. The dogs, appearing hurt and scared, were dangerously close to oncoming traffic. Fearing for their safety and uncertain about the extent of their injuries, Patrick quickly called the police, hoping they could assist. But what happened next was more than anyone expected.

When the Orange County Sheriff’s deputies arrived at the scene, they found the two pit bulls trembling and visibly frightened. Despite their anxiety, it was clear these dogs were not aggressive. In fact, when one of the deputies reached out a hand to check on them, something incredible happened. Instead of reacting with fear or anger, one of the pit bulls suddenly lunged forward—only to curl up in the deputy’s lap, as if seeking solace from the very person sent to help. This sweet, unexpected gesture caught everyone off guard, as it showed just how deeply these dogs longed for comfort and love, despite the trauma they had just endured.

The pit bulls, both female, were overwhelmed by the presence of the officers. Although they were nervous and scared, their relief was evident. The officers could tell that these dogs, who were wearing pink collars, had once known human companionship, but had tragically been abandoned. One of the dogs, however, was in particularly bad shape. Her leg had a deep wound, likely the result of being struck by a car, given the busy road they had been found on. The deputies—Boggs and Reed—didn’t hesitate. They quickly applied gauze to her leg, doing everything they could to stop the bleeding and stabilize her injury while they waited for animal rescue professionals to arrive.

Throughout the ordeal, the deputies maintained their calm and gentle demeanor, ensuring the scared dogs felt as safe as possible. As they cared for the pit bulls, a passerby named Adam witnessed the heartwarming scene. Struck by the officers’ compassion and dedication, Adam pulled out his phone and captured several photos of the deputies as they tended to the dogs. Moved by their kindness, he later shared the photos with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, along with a heartfelt note expressing his gratitude:

“These photos show the incredible compassion of our deputies. Their loving nature will tug at the heartstrings of any animal lover. Thank you for going above and beyond to help these dogs.”

It wasn’t just a matter of performing their duty—Deputies Boggs and Reed had formed an immediate bond with Liberty and Justice, as the two dogs would later be named. Despite the long hours they had already worked, the officers refused to leave the pit bulls alone. True to their oath to protect and serve, the deputies stayed by the side of these vulnerable animals, offering them reassurance and comfort in their time of need.

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The deputies’ actions reflected more than just their professional responsibilities. They stayed with the pit bulls, giving them gentle pets, soft words, and much-needed affection, ensuring the dogs didn’t feel abandoned again. The pit bulls, who had clearly been left to fend for themselves by their previous owners, were finally in the hands of people who cared about their wellbeing. And for the deputies, leaving wasn’t an option—they were determined to ensure the dogs received the care they deserved.

Officer Reed, in particular, later spoke about how misunderstood pit bulls can be. In an interview with the Orlando Sentinel, he explained how pit bulls often get a bad reputation, but in reality, they are loving and affectionate animals.

“There’s a lot of misconceptions about pit bulls,” Officer Reed said. “People think they’re aggressive or dangerous, but that’s just not true. These dogs were nothing but sweet and loving. All they wanted was to be close to us. They kept nuzzling up to us, licking us, just looking for some affection. A week after we took them to Animal Services, they were the happiest dogs I’ve ever seen.”

The bond that formed between the deputies and the dogs was unmistakable. Liberty and Justice had been through a traumatic experience, but thanks to the kindness of Deputies Boggs and Reed, they were finally safe. The deputies stayed with the pit bulls until Orange County Animal Services arrived, ensuring they were never left alone during the rescue process.

The two pit bulls, Liberty and Justice, had already been abandoned once, but the deputies were determined not to let that happen again. They showered the dogs with love, cuddles, and plenty of attention, making sure they knew they were safe. When Animal Services finally arrived, the officers carefully handed the dogs over, confident that they were now in good hands.

Liberty and Justice were taken to a local shelter, where they received the medical care they needed. Their story, however, didn’t end there. Shortly after their rescue, Orange County Animal Services shared an update on the dogs, affectionately dubbed a “pupdate,” urging the community to help find these sweet girls a forever home:

“We want Justice (A362290) and Liberty (A362289) to find a forever home—hopefully together. Please adopt them! The deputies are already spoken for :)”

The shelter’s call to action sparked interest, as people across the community were touched by the story of these two resilient dogs. It wasn’t long before Liberty and Justice were reunited with Deputies Boggs and Reed in a touching moment caught on video. The dogs, clearly remembering their heroes, excitedly greeted the deputies, practically falling over themselves to give them affectionate hugs and licks. The joy in their reunion was undeniable, and the connection between the dogs and the officers was a testament to the kindness and compassion they had shown on that fateful morning.

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Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors

The man responsible is facing felony charges but must never be allowed to own or care for animals again.


Liberty and Justice’s journey from abandonment to rescue touched the hearts of many. Their story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of compassion, not just for people, but for animals as well. Deputies Boggs and Reed went above and beyond to ensure these dogs were safe and cared for, and in doing so, they exemplified the very best of what it means to protect and serve.

As for Liberty and Justice, they now had a chance at a new life, one where they could find a loving home, thanks to the selfless actions of two deputies who refused to leave their side.

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