Researchers Speak Out: Is the Scientific Community Choosing Cruelty Over Compassion?

What’s Putting the Freeze on Scientists Who Don’t Want to Test on Animals?

Three Scientists Left Their Labs Behind—and the Reason Why Might Surprise You

Killing or Curing? 3 Researchers Share What the Scientific Community Needs Most

Killing or Curing? 2 PETA Researchers Share What the Scientific Community Needs Most

Experiments Gone Wrong: 3 Scientists Expose Why the Current System Is a Dead End

Experiments Gone Wrong: 2 PETA Scientists Expose Why the Current System Is a Dead End

Is the scientific community stifling open-minded scientists to keep using archaic methods? Three people, including two PETA scientists, are speaking out—find out what they revealed.

When researchers must “publish or perish,” what do they do when the scientific community wants them to test on animals? PETA scientists share their stories.

The post Killing or Curing? 2 PETA Researchers Share What the Scientific Community Needs Most appeared first on PETA.

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