Today was the annual visit to the Christmas Craft Fair in Lerwick. I left OH in charge of the animals and put out double haynet rations for the boys, leaving out 4 buckets for the old ladies to be eaten over the morning. It was a lovely morning off from my usual routine spent with Mandy, my flute-duet friend who came too. We shopped!
I am sorry there are so many photos but it was set in two huge halls with overspill too.
Everyone and anyone seemed to have been working hard all year to produce a high standard of every kind of art and craft.
I even managed gin for elevenses!
It would’ve been far too easy for me to ignore my Christmas list and to just buy presents for myself!
My heart melted!
At this stage I was wondering whether it was possible to hang pictures on the ceiling as there is no more space on any wall in my house.
Puzzah! (Lambie’s father forever immortalised in a card – I was lucky enough to have been given the original artwork).
As the morning progressed, the Christmas Fair became very busy and I was tiring fast.
Fish and chips for lunch, a quick nip around Tesco and then home to play flute duets. Shopping is exhausting work.