From the moment he was adopted as a young puppy, Smokey was spoiled with an assortment of toys. Yet, out…
7 Ways Dogs Can Sense If You’re In A Bad Mood
Shutterstock Dogs are well-known for their ability to sense human emotions, and they seem to know exactly when you’re feeling…
15 Creative Games To Play With Your Dog At Home
Shutterstock Playing games with your dog at home is an excellent way to keep them mentally and physically stimulated while…
7 Crazy Reasons Why Some Dogs Can’t Stand Open Spaces
Shutterstock Many dogs love running free in open spaces, but not all dogs share that enthusiasm. For some, open areas…
12 Dog Breeds That Love A Challenge In The Great Outdoors
Shutterstock Exploring the great outdoors with a dog is one of life’s greatest pleasures, especially if you have a breed…
Dog Terrified Of Car Rides Because Of His Past Clings Tightly To Mom
We all wish for a world without animal neglect, abandonment, or abuse, but the harsh reality is that many animals…