Last night I got everyone inside as the forecast was pretty grim.  This morning, I put them all outside as it was still pretty grim but they wanted out.

The snow is gradually melting now and I told everyone to be careful on the ice when they crossed the track to their respective fields.

I also opened up a bit more field for the Shetland ponies but it was too windy to poo-pick later.  I can do that tomorrow.

And then it started sleeting and everyone took themselves to the containers.  I got the old ladies and Tiddles in an hour early, gave them buckets and then took out some haynets for the other Shetland ponies.  They will stay outside now.

I also spent the rest of the afternoon hiding from Iacs who is desperate to maintain the routine of being fed at least twice a day plus haynets.  As Daisy reminded me, he is fat, he has a thick woolly coat and there is grass in the field.  So I am doing a lot of creeping around, avoiding being seen.

But in the same breath, I am terrified Tiddles will have one of his “funny turns” because he is cold, wet and miserable so I am keeping an eagle eye on him.  At the moment, he likes the idea of buckets.  I am also back to soaking his hay in the hope this will up his water intake.

I will be glad when the snow melts completely as will everyone else, I think.  We’ve all had enough of it now.

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