I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything.  There is just so much to do on a daily basis.

And today, while cleaning out the stalls, I noticed one of Skippy’s wheels was not turning. I panicked. I can’t do without Skippy.

When OH came past to collect Pepper for the dog-walk, I asked him if he could look at it. The ways of Skippy are not known to us as I bought it brand new and it has never broken down until today.

So OH jacked up Skippy and took a look.

The dogs had to wait patiently and I am sure they didn’t really mind as it was pouring with rain (note Vitamoobag in the distance trying to catch my eye).

And actually it was fairly simple – the wheel needed to be refitted as it had lost a split pin causing it to go off all wonky.

A few days ago I found this washer on the floor (I kept it) which apparently was part of Skippy’s wheel.  So, reunited and an improvised split pin and all was fixed.

As it was raining, I let the girls in early to graze around the house.  I gave them a bucket of grub too.

And then later on everywhere I went, I kept meeting Vitamin or Fivla.

You can see them wandering past my shed.

They are pretty much my scary neighbours now.

So much to do, so little time.

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