A calm morning (apparently this is known as a “false spring”, but I’ll take it) so I went, armed with my bucket of electric fence stuff along with wee dug down to the track to sort out the electric fence.

It was in quite a mess. I think all those storms did it no good but I straightened, tightened, sorted adding more wire to varous spots.

I also noticed that very little grass had grown back, which is exactly what I want.  I am thinking I might put the Icelandic horses into the middle too to eat down that grass.

While I was working, I saw my first celandine which made me instantly smile.  My favourite flower (one of many) but this was confirmation that Spring was finally arriving after a very long winter.

On the other side of the wire fence, everyone watched me, getting excited at the thought of returning to the track.

Waffle, desperate to be back on the track, pawed the fence, got stuck and I had to unwiggle his hoof/leg back through the wire, cursing that he was destroying a perfectly good fence.  He did this twice, at me.

No one else did this – just Waffle, though to be fair, he never panics, standing there waiting for me to come and sort out the mess only he created.

So tomorrow I am going to drag the energiser down to the track, put it on max zap, and let the Minions have access to a very small top part of the track and we will see.  Please tell me this is not a big mistake but it is between Waffle’s ability to destroy every fence and my sanity.  They will only be there for 6 hours a day too and go back to the container paddock for their weighed and measured soaked hay.

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