Pepper will talk to anyone. She loves everyone. No exception, though they might not love her.
Later on in the morning, I took the dogs out for a walk. It was very windy but sunny.
In the huge field, we found all the sheep sitting or grazing together. All nine.
Of course Dahlia and Gus-Gus came racing over.
I found a suitable bottom-shaped rock and sat down to chat to anyone who wanted to come up.
Even Lambie came and talked to me (is it my birthday? I don’t think so). I was very surprised.
Pepper was close by while Ted stayed a little way away. He is sensible.
Dahlia was not kind to Pepper.
But I love this. Pepper deliberately afterwards went to sit by Lambie – I think she felt safe next to him.
I love how Lambie doesn’t mind Pepper either and no, Lambie is not going to abort (a bloody miracle if he is in lamb), and yes, it is my land and yes, they are my sheep – if you are wondering and about to criticise me – the internet trolls, sorry experts, are out there, loud and proud.
Gussie, who always wears his food, followed us on this dogwalk. Dahlia also came too.
It was nice to spend time with the sheep. Winter prevents this as everything is too wet to sit on.
I am so fed up of trolls. Perhaps they will stop guarding their rickety bridge.