Thanks to the remarkable efforts of a resourceful K9 named Biza, a family has been reunited after the most distressing incident imaginable. On February 1, 2024, the Auburn Police Department in Massachusetts took to social media to commend their K9 for successfully finding a missing child. The police department’s Facebook post detailed the events that unfolded after they received a report of a missing 12-year-old child on the night of January 31. The child had left their home around 8:30 PM and hadn’t been seen since.

With no information on the child’s whereabouts, the police were quickly mobilized to commence the search. The urgency of the situation was heightened by the freezing temperatures. A significant response was coordinated, with numerous officers from both the Auburn Police and Massachusetts State Police joining the search effort. The Auburn Police Department’s Detective Bureau also contributed to the mission.

In their time of need, the department turned to K9 Biza and her handler, K9 officer David Llunggren, for assistance. Upon deployment, Biza successfully picked up the child’s scent and initiated the tracking process. Biza’s remarkable tracking skills led the search team over two miles to a location where there were signs of the child’s recent presence. Following Biza’s lead, the officers found the child shortly after, ensuring a safe reunion with their family.


The community showered K9 Biza with praise and gratitude in the comments section of the post. Comments ranged from commendations for K9 Officer Biza and Officer Ljunggren to expressions of admiration for Biza’s heroics.


Readers expressed their happiness for the safe recovery of the child, with many highlighting the excellent work by Biza, the Auburn Police Department, and all individuals involved in the search and rescue operation. The collective effort led to a positive outcome, with Biza receiving special acknowledgment for her pivotal role in the operation.

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