Bitty, a senior Chihuahua of 16 years, embodies the essence of resilience and the power of love. His journey began under less than auspicious circumstances, found aimlessly wandering the streets, distinguished by a noticeable head tilt. The constant shaking and relentless scratching at his neck suggested discomfort or an underlying health issue, casting a shadow over his prospects, especially given his advanced age. In a world where the value of an animal’s life is often gauged by its perceived potential for adoption, Bitty’s future seemed bleak. He found himself on a list no pet ever wants to be on: the list for euthanasia, a heartbreaking reflection of the harsh realities faced by many older or unwell pets in shelters.

However, the threads of Bitty’s fate were woven with hope and the kindness of those who believe every animal deserves a chance for love and care, regardless of age or condition. This belief acted as a lifeline, pulling Bitty back from the precipice of an untimely end. His story, marked by an unwavering spirit and the compassion of individuals who stepped in at the crucial moment, serves as a poignant reminder of the difference a little love and a second chance can make in the life of an animal. Bitty’s tale is not just one of survival; it’s a testament to the enduring bond between humans and their furry companions, highlighting the transformative power of empathy and care.


Gloria, who was working at a vet clinic and fostering dogs at the time, took Bitty in as her 12th foster dog. Arrangements were made for Bitty to be flown from California to Canada, where Gloria resides. When she picked him up from the airport, Gloria recalls the way he looked up at her. It was as if he was saying, “I hope you’ll be kind to me.”


Initially, Bitty wasn’t eating and was severely dehydrated. The exact cause of his condition was unknown. Gloria took him to work with her at the vet clinic, where one of the doctors said his chance of survival was slim to none. Despite the odds, Bitty had a strong will to get better– and with time, he began to heal. As his health improved, more of his personality emerged. Gloria decided to officially adopt him after six months.

Bitty is not your typical Chihuahua. He is gentle and quiet, and has a unique way of expressing himself. Unlike the average Chihuahua, he doesn’t bark much. Instead, he makes little sounds to communicate his wants and needs. Bitty is always happy, whether he’s going for a ride to the dog park, taking a walk, or simply cuddling on the couch watching a movie.

The bond between Gloria and Bitty is indescribable. She considers him the light of her life. Depending on his mood, Bitty can sometimes look like a wise old man or a playful puppy. Gloria often wonders how he managed to survive on the streets. He’s scared of so many things, from the sound of a sneeze and Gloria’s boyfriend’s guitar.


Bitty’s sweet nature makes Gloria believe that he must have had a family at some point. There’s something about Bitty that made Gloria feel like they were meant to be together, and she is grateful for the opportunity to care for him.

Bitty’s story is a testament to the power of love and determination. Despite his rough start in life and advanced age, he has found a home with a devoted mom who has helped him overcome his challenges and live a happy, fulfilling life.

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