Continuing on with the theme of visiting equine professionals, today our farrier came to trim those that needed a trim.

This is Pepper’s favourite day – she loves it when the farrier visits.  Obviously, he adores here and then there is the supply of endless hooves to eat as well as getting in the way.  The perfect combination.

Haakon was dismissed as being fine, but Iacs and Kolka were trimemd.


Then it was time for the little ones.  I had herded them all into a small paddock so I could easily catch and bring them out one at a time.

Albie was done.

One scruffy Newt next.

Tiddles had his nose licked constantly. I had stop Pepper in the end. Tiddles was starting to mind and I could see this was not going to end well.

Waffle, Vitamin, Silver and Storm were put back in the field with nothing done (cheap dates!)

And lastly Fivla.

I think this photo sums up today beautifully.  Everyone’s hooves were declared fine with no signs of laminitis or anything more desperate.  So I am pleased.  We are quickly arriving at the  the spring grass season so I am trying to be strict and keep all the ponies on the track now.  It is for their own good.

And everyone behaved, which was remarkable too!

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