A mother’s love knows no limits, and when her children are taken away, her heart calls out until they are found. Earlier this week in Wolcott,a heart-wrenching story of Mya, a devoted mother dog, was found abandoned at the local animal control, her cries of confusion and distress echoing a mother’s despair for her missing babies—seven puppies who had vanished without a trace. 

But as the week progressed, Mya’s sorrow took a hopeful turn. Three of Mya’s puppies were miraculously recovered, reuniting with their mother in a tender scene that brought tears to the eyes of the staff at Wolcott Animal Control. The reunion brought an immediate transformation. Mya, once inconsolable, was now cuddling her puppies, showering them with licks and love, her whines replaced by a serene silence that spoke volumes of her relief.

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The turning point came thanks to an unlikely hero—a man who had unwittingly bought two of the puppies from a seller operating out of a car in a Walmart parking lot in nearby Waterbury. Realizing the gravity of the situation, he returned the puppies to animal control and helped trace one more, bringing them back to their mother’s waiting paws. “This was one of the hardest things to do, but it was the right thing,” he said, affirming his love for dogs and commitment to doing what was morally necessary.

Facing Criminal Charges

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Yet, the story doesn’t end here. Four of Mya’s puppies remain lost, possibly in Massachusetts, their fates uncertain but not forgotten. The Wolcott police, led by Chief Edward Stephens, have been relentless in their pursuit. Appalled by the cruelty Mya and her puppies endured, Chief Stevens promised that justice would be sought for the wrongs committed. “It’s terrible, it’s not right, and it should never happen,” Stephens declared, his resolve firm.

The person responsible for selling the puppies will face multiple charges, with investigations ongoing to bring all of Mya’s puppies home. The community and authorities are united in their hope and efforts, determined to turn this story of abandonment into one of redemption.

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The post Her 7 Puppies Were Stolen, Mother Dog Cries For Help appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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