Sometimes, a little kindness can work wonders and change lives. This is especially true in the story of Mina, a dog whose life turned around because of the kindness shown by her rescuers. For anyone who helps rescue dogs, seeing them happy and healthy again is the biggest joy. Mina’s transformation, thanks to the caring folks at Howl Of A Dog, is a perfect example of how much of a difference kindness can make.

Scared And Sick

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Mina was found in a very sad state at a city pond, looking scared and very sick. She was afraid of people and shook every time someone tried to touch her. It was clear that she had been through a lot of bad experiences and needed a lot of help.

When she arrived at the rescue center, Mina was facing many health issues like extreme thinness, skin problems, infections, low blood count, dehydration, and she could barely walk. She was also emotionally hurt, scared of everything around her.

Her healing journey at the center was slow but full of love and care. At first, Mina was very shy and didn’t interact much with people or other dogs. But as she started receiving regular medical treatment and a lot of gentle affection, things began to change.

Belly Rubs

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A major breakthrough came when Mina discovered how much she loved getting belly rubs. This simple gesture made her feel safe and loved, helping her to trust her human friends more and more. Before long, she was wagging her tail and playing with other dogs, showing a big smile that made everyone happy.

Mina’s life took a wonderful turn when she found a forever home with Kathleen, Mattis, and their dog, Alma. She was warmly welcomed into their family, where she enjoys playing with her new sister and going to the beach.

Mina’s transformation from a scared, sick dog to a joyful, trusting one is truly amazing. It’s stories like hers that keep the Howl Of A Dog team inspired to do what they do, showing how much good can come from caring for those in need.

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