A dog named Elsie devoted her entire life to her family, but in return, they disowned her as if they had never cared for her at all. The staff at the shelter were stunned when they discovered why Elsie’s owners had given up their 13-year-old dog. The family claimed that Elsie was too much work. Finding herself in a shelter kennel, Elsie felt isolated and bewildered. She longed for her family and struggled to understand why they had abandoned her. As the reality set in that they were not coming back for her, Elsie was heartbroken. She quickly noticed that the chaotic shelter was nothing like the cozy, warm home she had known.


Fortunately, Forgotten Now Family Rescue in Charlotte, North Carolina, rescued her from the shelter environment. Elsie needed to leave her past behind and focus on her new circumstances. Her rescuers cuddled with her, offering their love and support, hoping to heal her wounded heart.

Gradually, Elsie felt less alone. She sensed that she could trust her new caretakers and began to smile more often. Her resilient spirit and hopeful eyes endeared her to everyone at the rescue. Despite her previous suffering, Elsie was incredibly sweet and full of love to share. She was placed in a nurturing foster home where she began to unwind and absorb all the love her foster family offered.


Chrissy Elder, the founder of the rescue, was determined to find her a permanent, loving home. She believed that a shelter was no place for Elsie.

“Elsie doesn’t belong in a shelter. She belongs right back on her dog bed. She deserves lying there and wiggling all over when her new best friend comes home. She deserves someone to enjoy this life with her in her final years. She’s got so much love and life left,” Elder explained to Newsweek.

Elder shared Elsie’s poignant story and a video on her TikTok account, hoping to capture the hearts of a forever family. A wonderful woman saw Elsie’s video and immediately fell in love with her, choosing to adopt her. Elsie’s rescue friends were overjoyed to learn that she had found a caring family. With a heart full of joy, Elsie began a new chapter of her life in her forever home in Belmont, North Carolina. Her new humans lavished her with love and attention. Elsie reveled in their cuddles, soaking up all their affection. She truly was a love bug.


Elsie was delighted to meet her new furry siblings, who welcomed her warmly. Radiating happiness, Elsie felt that she truly belonged in her new home with her new family. This is a reminder, folks, adopting a dog is a forever commitment. No matter their age or circumstances, each and every pup deserves a family they can trust to care for them to the very end.

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13 years of wagging her tail when they entered the room. 13 years of making their house a home. She was a loyal best friend …then they said she is requiring too much and they can’t keep her anymore. In her senior years when she’s given her best to them they chose to drop her off at the shelter. She stands at the kennel door being her same sweet soul self . She smiles and wags all over for just a moment of someone still loving her. Elsie doesn’t belong in a shelter. She belongs right back on her dog bed. She deserves laying there and wiggling all over when her new best friend comes home. She deserves someone to enjoy this life with her in her final years. She’s got so much love and life left. We can never un do the heart shatter her family caused her the day they gave up on her but we can try to piece her sweet heart back together with every good memory . My hope is we find her an adopter that loves her so much in her golden years she finds nothing but joy. I hope she sees this moment as her chance to get back up and find so much happiness. #seniordog #bestfriend #shelterdog #newstart #hospice #adopt #rescuedog #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #oldlady

♬ Look After You – The Fray

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The post Couple Drops Off 13 Yr Old Dog Because They Have No Time For Her appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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