It’s impossible to miss Dexter, the 7-year-old Brittany spaniel, as he walks through the streets of Ouray, Colorado. Dexter has a unique style and loves the attention he gets from people. He also enjoys a good belly rub from anyone willing to offer one.

However, Dexter’s life wasn’t always so happy. His owner, Kentee Pasek, shared his story with KDVR News: “As a puppy, he was hit by a car. We knew we were going to have to get rid of one of the arms. We didn’t know that the other arm had more damage to the elbow, so he had about five or six different surgeries.” Despite these challenges, Dexter’s spirit remained unbroken.

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Dogs are known for their resilience, especially when they are young. Dexter’s story is a testament to this as he got a second chance at life. Although he has three legs, he has learned to cope with his injuries in a remarkable way. While he stands like a dog to eat and drink, he walks upright on his hind legs, much like a human. Pasek said, “…all of a sudden, he’s walking upright, and it just shocks the heck out of us.”

Dexter’s fame has now spread far beyond the small town of Ouray. Thanks to social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, millions of people have become fans of this special dog. Each day, thousands of people watch videos of Dexter walking down the street with mountains in the background, greeting fans who come to say hello.

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Kentee Pasek has taken on the role of managing Dexter’s health and wellness, as well as his social media presence, which has become a full-time job. Initially, she didn’t expect much from sharing Dexter’s story online. But during the pandemic, she realized people needed some inspiration. She explained, “…during the pandemic everyone was absolutely bored, and we didn’t know what was going to happen. So Dexter really just inspired everyone to realize life would be OK and we could adapt no matter what, and I think his story just hit home to a lot of people.”

Most Brittany spaniels live between 10 to 15 years, so Dexter is now considered middle-aged. Despite his early accident, no one could have predicted he would live such a long and happy life. Dexter continues to thrive and inspire those around him.

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Dexter’s story teaches us important lessons about living life to the fullest, no matter the circumstances. Pasek reflected on this, saying, “I think Dexter teaches us that we have our ideas so set in a box about the way life should be, but in reality, we really don’t have control over it. And I think if we would stop like really thinking all the time about the past or if we would just stop getting anxious about the future, and we could live more in the moment, I think that’s what Dexter wants us to do.”

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