A few photos from today (and yesterday).

While I’m working away in my shed making sheep, Pepper likes to sit outside on the doorstep. She likes to watch the world go by and is usually very good, not wandering off (though I do call her back regularly if I find that she has mysteriously vanished).

Failing that, she has her spot on the chaise longue and blends in beautifully with the dog blanket.

Monster does the exact opposite probably because we don’t have anything white anywhere – I may be stupid, but I am not that stupid.

Pepper likes to sit on my knee while I wait for the ducks and hens to finish their tea.  The nesting ducks are now getting bored of their one job and are leaving their nests.  I don’t mind as baby ducklings means more ducks and we have more than enough.  Meanwhile, the boys are still bickering.

All the ponies are fine.  They come up in the morning for their buckets and then a mean haynet – mean, as in not very generous – and then they all go away again for the rest of the day while I studiously ignore them but am always counting up to 8 to check everyone is ok.


And thank you for all your kind words of sympathy about my back.  Today is better. I have my Painpod on and that has made a huge difference to my day.  That, and a hefty painkiller last night.  So all is good again.

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