In a quaint Colombian town, an extraordinary black Labrador named Negro has captured the hearts and minds of many with his remarkable ingenuity. This clever dog has devised a unique method of acquiring treats, using leaves as a form of currency to purchase his favorite snacks. Negro’s inventive approach has turned him into a local legend at the Diversified Technical Education Institute Monterrey Casanare. His daily visits to the campus store, where he “pays” with leaves, have made him a beloved figure and a source of inspiration for students and faculty alike.

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Negro is much more than just a regular dog. He serves as both a vigilant guardian for the students and a cherished mascot for the campus. His presence provides a sense of security and companionship to everyone at the institute. Although he doesn’t have a traditional owner, the faculty and students ensure that Negro is well taken care of, providing him with food, shelter, and an abundance of affection. Over the years, Negro has seamlessly integrated into the daily life of the campus, forming bonds with countless students and staff members.

Negro’s journey to becoming a local celebrity began with his keen observational skills. Over time, he watched as students frequented the campus store, purchasing food and snacks. He noticed the routine of exchanging money for goods, sparking an idea in his intelligent mind. Rather than relying solely on the generosity of the students who occasionally shared their snacks with him, Negro decided to take matters into his own paws.

One day, Negro picked up a leaf from a nearby tree, observing its resemblance to the shape and color of money. With determination and a wagging tail, he carried the leaf to the store’s counter, presenting it as payment for a treat. The sight of a dog using a leaf as currency might have seemed humorous at first, but the store employees quickly understood what Negro was trying to do. His clever trick revealed the depth of his learning from observing human behavior.

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Moved by Negro’s intelligence and initiative, the store attendant decided to accept his leafy payment. “He comes for cookies every day,” said store attendant Gladys Barreto, “He always pays with a leaf. It is his daily purchase.” This endearing ritual soon became a daily occurrence, much to the delight of everyone on campus. Negro’s innovative approach to acquiring treats challenged the conventional saying, “money doesn’t grow on trees,” proving that for him, it just might.

To ensure that Negro doesn’t overindulge and to maintain the leaf’s “value,” the store employees regulate the number of cookies he receives each day. This careful management prevents Negro from stripping every tree bare and amassing an endless supply of cookies. It also helps keep him healthy, avoiding any potential weight gain from too many treats. The store staff’s thoughtful approach ensures that Negro’s delightful transactions remain a balanced part of his daily routine.

Negro’s actions are a testament to the surprising intelligence of dogs. His ability to learn from his surroundings and apply that knowledge in a practical way is truly remarkable. At an educational institute where the primary focus is on human learning, Negro stands out as a unique example of how animals, too, can exhibit learning and adaptation. His story has spread beyond the campus, inspiring and amusing many who hear about his clever antics.

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Sign Petition Today: No more puppy mills!

Missouri is already referred to as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from the cruelty of puppy mills.


Negro’s story has not only brought joy to the students and staff of the institute but has also become a symbol of ingenuity and resourcefulness. It serves as a reminder of the deep connections that can form between humans and animals and the incredible ways in which animals can surprise us with their capabilities. Negro’s daily visits to the store, leaf in mouth, have become a heartwarming tradition that highlights the bond between the campus community and their beloved mascot.

Negro, the black Labrador from Colombia, has shown that with a bit of observation and a lot of heart, even a dog can learn to “pay” for his own treats. His story is a charming example of the intelligence and adaptability of animals, bringing smiles to all who hear it. At the Diversified Technical Education Institute Monterrey Casanare, Negro’s legacy continues to grow, one leaf at a time.

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