Kathryn, a compassionate and dedicated vet technician, first encountered baby Sally when she was in a life-threatening condition. The tiny puppy, barely holding on, had been surrendered by a breeder who could no longer provide the care she desperately needed. Sally was battling severe pneumonia, her small body struggling with every breath, and her skin had turned a concerning shade of blue due to the lack of oxygen. Realizing the severity of the situation, Kathryn knew she had to act swiftly and decisively to save the fragile puppy’s life.

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Thankfully, Kathryn had an oxygen chamber on hand, a device she affectionately called a “bubble.” This bubble was essential in providing Sally with the constant supply of oxygen she so desperately needed.

As soon as Kathryn placed Sally inside the bubble, she realized just how dependent the pup was on the oxygen support. It was clear that Sally’s respiratory system was severely compromised, and she would need to stay in the bubble for a considerable time to give her lungs a chance to heal and strengthen.

Over the next several days and weeks, Kathryn dedicated herself to Sally’s care, both inside and outside of the oxygen chamber. Every moment outside the bubble was a struggle for Sally, as she could only last a few seconds before gasping for air. Despite these challenges, Sally’s spirit remained unbroken. She would often lick the walls of her bubble and gaze longingly at the world outside, showing a clear desire to play and explore like any other puppy.

Sally’s determination did not go unnoticed. Kathryn was inspired by the pup’s resilience and refused to give up on her. She began taking Sally, bubble and all, on little adventures around the clinic. This way, Sally could still see new sights and experience different environments, even if she couldn’t physically be out and about.

One day, Sally’s yearning to explore became even more apparent when she started pawing at the bubble, signaling her strong desire to come out. When they cautiously let her out, she managed to stay outside for about 15 seconds before needing to go back in. This small victory was significant, and Kathryn decided to make these brief excursions a daily routine, hoping it would help exercise and strengthen Sally’s lungs.

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Day by day, Sally’s time outside the bubble increased. Kathryn and her team extended the intervals between her oxygen support sessions, allowing Sally more freedom while closely monitoring her condition. The gradual improvement in Sally’s breathing was encouraging, and as she grew, Kathryn came up with an innovative solution to accommodate her increasing size and mobility needs. She modified the bubble to make it larger, providing Sally with more space to move around and not just lie down.

One sunny day, they decided to take a bold step. They brought Sally outside, where she was greeted by the warm sun and soft grass. The little pup was ecstatic, playing and basking in the new sensations. However, her lungs were not yet strong enough to handle extended periods outside, so she had to return to her bubble after a short while. Despite this, the team allowed Sally to come in and out of the bubble more freely, giving her the freedom she craved while still ensuring her safety.

The breakthrough came one day when Sally decided she no longer wanted to stay in her bubble. During one of her outings, she lasted a remarkable 30 minutes without showing any signs of respiratory distress. Although Kathryn was cautious and ready to put Sally back in the bubble, the determined pup had other plans. Before Kathryn could close the oxygen chamber door, Sally made a quick escape, making it clear that she was ready to leave the bubble behind.

With her health significantly improved, Sally was soon given a clean bill of health. Kathryn’s co-worker, Bonnie, who had been involved in Sally’s care from the beginning, decided to adopt the spirited pup. Sally was welcomed into Bonnie’s family, which included other dogs who quickly became her new siblings.

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Sign Petition Today: No more puppy mills!

Missouri is already referred to as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from the cruelty of puppy mills.


Sally’s new life was filled with firsts. She experienced her first walk in the park, splashed in a pool for the first time, picked out her very first toy, and enjoyed countless other adventures. No longer the fragile, sickly puppy she once was, Sally thrived in her new environment, relishing every moment of her newfound freedom.

Sally’s journey from a critically ill puppy to a lively, adventurous dog is a testament to the power of determination and the incredible care she received. Kathryn’s unwavering dedication and innovative solutions played a crucial role in Sally’s recovery, allowing her to embrace life outside the bubble and enjoy all the joys of being a dog.

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The post ‘Bubble Puppy’ Steps Into the Real World for the First Time appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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