In the chilly month of January, experienced dog foster mom Stevoni Wells Doyle made a heartwarming decision that would change her life and the life of a pregnant dog forever. This dog, named Grayce, was in desperate need of care and compassion after suffering neglect in her previous home. Grayce needed a safe and loving environment to deliver and raise her puppies. Stevoni, known for her unwavering dedication to fostering dogs, opened her home to Grayce, ensuring she had everything necessary for a comfortable and nurturing start to motherhood.

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Doyle, known for her compassion and dedication to fostering dogs, knew that Grayce was in dire need of care. She prepared her home to accommodate the soon-to-be mother, ensuring that Grayce had everything necessary for a comfortable and stress-free delivery. From a cozy bed to nutritious food and a quiet space, Doyle spared no effort in making Grayce feel at home.

Soon after arriving at Doyle’s welcoming abode, Grayce gave birth to a litter of 11 puppies—10 boys and one girl. The birth was smooth, and both Grayce and her puppies were healthy and thriving. It was a joyous occasion, and Doyle felt a deep sense of fulfillment in providing a safe haven for Grayce and her newborns.

Grayce quickly demonstrated her exceptional maternal instincts. She was attentive, ensuring that each puppy was well-fed and comfortable. She kept a vigilant watch over her litter, never letting them out of her sight. However, the sheer number of puppies—11 wriggling, needy little beings—was overwhelming for any dog, no matter how devoted.

Recognizing the immense responsibility of caring for so many puppies, Grayce instinctively knew she needed help. One day, as she and Doyle were relaxing in the living room, Grayce did something extraordinary. She gently picked up one of her puppies and placed it in Doyle’s lap. Then, one by one, she continued this tender act until all eleven puppies were nestled in Doyle’s lap.

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This touching scene was a clear indication of Grayce’s trust in Doyle. “I think she still feels unsure as a new mom,” Doyle explained to The Dodo. “And she needed love and reassurance from someone she loves and trusts.”

Doyle’s husband, witnessing this remarkable act of trust and love, recorded the moment on video. He shared the heartwarming footage on Facebook and YouTube, where it quickly went viral, touching the hearts of viewers worldwide. The video showcased not only Grayce’s maternal instincts but also the deep bond she shared with her foster mom.

Doyle, who had fostered many dogs before, had never experienced such a profound gesture. Grayce’s act of entrusting her puppies to Doyle was unparalleled. It was as if Grayce was expressing her gratitude and acknowledging the safe environment that Doyle had provided.

“I was honored that she chose me to trust with her pups and herself,” Doyle expressed. “I’m still overwhelmed with her love.”

Doyle continued to care for Grayce and her puppies with unwavering dedication. She ensured that the puppies received proper nourishment and medical care. Each day, she watched them grow stronger and more playful, their personalities beginning to shine through.

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As the puppies grew, Doyle knew it would soon be time to find them forever homes. Partnering with Rescue Rovers, the rescue group she worked with, they began the process of finding the perfect families for each of the 12 dogs.

The journey to finding forever homes for Grayce and her puppies was meticulous. Doyle and the Rescue Rovers team were committed to ensuring that each dog would be placed in a loving and suitable home. They conducted thorough interviews and home visits to guarantee the best match for each puppy and their mother.

In due time, all 11 puppies found loving families who were thrilled to welcome them into their homes. Grayce, too, was placed in a wonderful home where she had plenty of other dogs to play with, ensuring she would never feel lonely.

“Grayce and all her pups found the perfect forever homes!! They are all so loved and adored,” Doyle shared in a YouTube comment. “I just got a new foster last week. Her name is Peatree. She is young, so we are hoping she is not going to have any pups. She goes in for a check-up next week.”

Image Credit: YouTube

Sign Petition Today: No more puppy mills!

Missouri is already referred to as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from the cruelty of puppy mills.


The story of Doyle and Grayce is a beautiful testament to the deep bonds that can form between animals and their caregivers. It highlights the importance of trust, compassion, and the incredible impact a loving environment can have on an animal’s life.

Doyle’s dedication to fostering dogs like Grayce exemplifies the transformative power of kindness and care. Grayce’s trust in Doyle and her act of placing her puppies in Doyle’s lap is a poignant reminder of the profound connections that can develop when we open our hearts to those in need.

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