I got a text last night from Morgan, my sheep shearer, promising to turn up tomorrow morning.

So I had to get everyone into a confined area.  Fat Madge has decided never to go into the shed again with all her friends, and I have been working on her special skill of being fed in the wee paddock behind the house.  That is the compromise.

Ditto Lambie who hates eating with anyone as they always steal his food, so he has learned to go into the Minion’s indoor space to have his breakfast but this time I shut the gate on him.

The other five were in their bedroom.

When I came out later, I found Morgan had already started.

He had made excellent progress.

But then came the problem sheep.  Madge was having none of it but a swift rugby tackle by Morgan soon stopped that nonsense.

And, sadly, Madge retained her title of the “fattest sheep I have sheared”!

And last up was Lambie, who was unimpressed.

I let them all out and there was the inevitable argument started by Harrel.

Lambie was beaten up horribly by both Bert and Harrel.  He was running away all the time and ended up standing behind me for help.

Even out in the big field, they didn’t stop.

I just prayed Lambie didn’t have a heart-attack as I watched him run away.

An hour later, when I took the dogs out, I found they had sorted out their differences and all was well again.

But I did think Bloody Barrel.  He was unnecessarily mean and a bully.

So that’s us for another year.  Phew. I am so glad the sheep been sheared and I am sure they are too.  It’s been a hot day by Shetland standards.

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